The Theory

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Hi guys! That's Dylan O'Brien. I imagine him as Noah.
Totally cute huh?
Kay, on with the story!


Ava's P.O.V
I stare at Noah for what seemed to be the hundredth time. I just can't believe it. I think back to when I was unconscious and the dream I had.
It was like I was weightless. Floating about in a black hole. Not knowing what was up and what was down. Suddenly, a series of images flashed through my mind, just like before when I was in the bus.
A fire. A lab. And a boy who reaches out his hand. But that time, the image was clearer and I caught a glimpse of the boy. He had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. His pretty chiseled jaw and prominent cheekbones shocked me. He reached out his hand. I think he's trying to introduce himself but I would never know as the image shifted to a street. I focused and the image became clearer. A girl and a man were all that I saw, walking down the street. What captured me most was that the girl seemed to be crying.
Why was she crying? But as soon as that thought crossed my mind, the image went away.
And I was once again sucked into an abyss.
When I woke up, I saw two figures. One of them was Kai and the other had their back to me. When the person turned around a wave of shock followed by another wave of horror hit me.
It was the same boy from my dream. No, no, no, no, no, I remember thinking.
Snapping back to the present, I start to question the dream and the very presence of Noah.
How could I have dreamed about him when I don't even know him? My mind shifted to the day Eli found me and introduced me to his friends. Trin had said she dreamt about me before she even met me. Then I thought about what Kai said the day Trin was abducted and we found Anthony Aptor's dead body.
"I think this has something to do with how you and Trinity can see into the future."
Could I really do that? Is that why I dreamt about Noah before I even met him. If that's true, that means Trin can do it too. Wait, what about the fire, the lab and the street with the crying girl and that man. Is it something importa-
"Could you please stop staring at me? It's kinda freaking me out." Noah croaked, glancing at me from his driver's seat in the front. Not realizing I had been staring at him the whole time I was flash backing, I looked away and muttered a soft "sorry".
Suddenly, something started pressing down on my shoulder. Turning around ever so swiftly, I found out that the "something" was Kai. His stupid head was resting on my shoulder and to top it all off, he was snoring. Like really loudly. I stifled a giggle.
Surprised that Kai was so exhausted, I let the fact that his heavy head was on my shoulder go.
He better not drool on me!
"Hey Noah, how long's it been?" I asked, surprising myself that I was talking to him. I don't know why but he gave me such a weird vibe. And it caused me to be wary.
Though I have to admit he's pretty cute.
"About an hour." He replied, looking straight ahead.
"I'm sorry if I freaked you out by the way. Just thinking about the crash and the news telecast." I lied. But it really was gnawing at me. I really wanted to know why people were covering the crash up. Though the dream was what really got me confused and curious.
"It's no problem, just don't do it again. I'm thinking about it too though. I just wish I could have helped some of those people. I could have let them come in the truck too. I... I should have done more." Noah replied, frowning with sadness etched on his face.
"You could have done more but it's no use beating yourself about it. What's done is done and there's no way you can change the past. All we can do is find out why the news telecast covered up the crash with an explosion and onlookers. It's the best we can do to bring the truth out." I said, looking out the window. Wow I didn't know I was capable of giving such a inspiring speech.
"I guess you're right." Noah said, giving me the feeling that he didn't feel like talking any more. And I'm glad 'cause it would have just ended up being awkward with both of us attempting to small talk when we didn't want to.


Noah's P.O.V
Man. Ava staring at me is really creepy. I'm not sure but she keeps giving me wary glances and although she gave me a inspiring speech I feel like I can't trust her. I don't know why.
Kai's been sleeping the whole ride. One minute he was awake and then BAM he sleeps like a baby. Though if you call the snores he makes when he's asleep like those made by a baby, uggh. I don't want to think about it.
Suddenly, Kai's phone rings. But Kai's still in his deep slumber. Not able to take the annoying sound of his phone ringing, Ava slapped his face and he was up immediately.
"Wha- who's there- I can fight you know?" Kai said, flailing his arms, trying desperately (but failing) to show how he can "fight". A bark of laughter erupted out of Ava and soon I was joining in. Kai, snapped awake, alert and very annoyed.
"You- annoying little piece of- " His retort was cut off by the ring of his phone again.
"Of all the things that had to survive, your annoying phone had to?" Ava whined, still recovering from her fit of giggles. Kai didn't respond, he just stared at his phone.
"Dude, you okay?" I asked, concerned.
"Please stop the car, I need to take this call." He replied, his eyes boring into the phone as if it had the secrets of life.
Just like that, tension filled the truck. "Are you sure you're-" Ava asked, only to be interrupted by Kai.
"Just STOP the car." Shocked by Kai's outburst, I stopped the car and not long after, the sound of him slamming the car door shut was heard.
"What in the world just happened?" Ava shouted, clearly just as shocked as I was. "Something's wrong. Let's just talk about it when he's back." I said, my tone firm and assertive, though I was definitely feeling the opposite.

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