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Okay, so not the reaction I was looking for. Suddenly I saw someone behind me. "Sorry I'm late guys, who is tha-" Too late, I had already tuned the person out and in one swift movement I punched the person in the stomach two times, and grabbed the person's neck in an death lock. "What do you want from me?" I demanded.

Wow I had no idea I could do that.

"Owwwwwww! What the heck was that for?" Someone howled in pain.   Eli ran forward to stop me. Everyone in the restaurant stopped taking and turned around to face us. Feeling very awkward and weirded out, I loosened my hold on mystery guy.

Sachin dashed off and went to get some ice. Elly raised her hand and smirked, "Nice one dude!" I awkwardly high-fived her back while Trinity went to help the person I had almost strangled.
When everything settled down and people had resumed eating, I cut in," Who are you?" The person turned around and I had a good look at him.

He had dark brown hair and hazel-brown eyes which were anything but welcoming. His hair was curly and messy. He was fairly (okay very) good-looking. He was wearing his headphones around his shoulders.
The only thing that amused me was the purple-bluish bruise around his neck. I cringed inwardly when I thought about how painful his stomach must have been...

Snapping me out of my thoughts, Elly nudged me and motioned me to listen. "Um hey? I'm Kai." He replied. My first reaction was shock and then I searched his face to see if he was kidding.

But obviously he was telling the truth. "I was just coming over because I was meeting up with Eli, Ells, Sach and Trin when you appeared out of nowhere..." he said accusingly.
It took a few moments for the shock to register on Kai's face after Eli explained what happened to me. "I found a post-it-note crumpled in my hand when I woke up and it had the name Kai on it", I explained to all of them.

Then Kai turned to me and glared. "You're stupid to think we believe you."

I clenched my fists in fury and rolled my eyes, flickering my gaze to Eli who had just interrupted.
"Okay first things first how are we going to help her? And if she isn't lying, she does need a name too right 'cause we can't just keep calling her something like "nothing"..."

"How about Jennifer?" Trinity suggested. I shook my head furiously, no way was my name going to be that. "I know, what about Ava?" Elly announced. Hmm... Ava I like the sound of that... I nodded my approval and everyone smiled. "Okay Ava, first of all you need a place to stay..." Eli added. I looked around the group hopefully. Trinity shrugged, "Okay, okay, you can stay with me, well and Kai too he's my step-brother actually."

Ugh why? Obviously me and Kai were not going to get along. But what I don't get is why I would have his name written on my post-it-note. It was all so complicated and confusing.

Pulling me out of my daydream and into reality, Eli then said," Tomorrow there's no school, for the PTA but next week, there's school maybe Ava could join us just for the time being, until we find out what's wrong with her." I flinched as he said that trying not to think of how I was just a big burden to them all.

"Well, what do I tell my parents? Like won't they suspect something if I just bring a friend along and say that she was going to stay with us for god knows how long. " Trinity asked, clearly puzzled.

"You could tell them that our school was having an exchange program and Ava is staying with you guys for like a month or so" Eli said, trying to break the tension. Trinity just nodded and continued eating her fries while Kai shrugged and looked away.

What is his problem, it's not like he lost his memory or something, like what did I even do to him other than punch his guts?

Man that guy is just a pain.

"Then how do we help her?" Sachin asked.

Good question.

"Well, tomorrow after lunch we could go around town and ask people if they knew Ava or like have seen her before." Eli suggested.

Wow okay he's smart.

Eli turns to me. "Ava, what do you want to know? What do you not remember?"

I thought for a while.

"Where am I? What is this town called?" I asked, starting off.
"We're in Cairnhill Falls. Central Washington. It's a pretty small town though. We're really far away from the city." Eli responds, taking a bite from his burger.

"Okay. How old are you guys?" I ask, intrigued. They look like they're about my age.
"We're 15 this year. Well only Kai's fifteen. None of our birthdays have passed. We're freshman this year in our local high school." Trinity states, not as apprehensive as before.

"Hmm. Well I'm the same age as you guys then. That's one of the few things I remember. It's sucks. I can only remember unimportant things." I say as I look down at my lap. Fiddling with my thumbs, I try to think how my life will continue if I don't even remember anything.

What happens when Eli and his friends don't want to help me anymore?

Will they just ditch me?

Oh my god. Just calm down Ava. Breathe in. Breathe out. Focus on the present. Don't dwell in the future.

"Wait. What month is it?" I ask once again, hoping to be updated with everything.

"It's November of 2015. It's the 29th today. School'll be over soon." Elly finally says, looking up from her manga drawing. I peer at it.
At the side it says: Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul. Wow. Looks good.

"Well Ava, Kai we better get going, Mum and Dad'll be worried. Bye guys." Trinity says. Before I can say anything, she turns to me, smiling.
"I think Ava is desperate for a warm shower. Also you can borrow some of my clothes. I think we're about the same size."

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I can fit in.
Maybe everything'll be good...


What up! What up!
Hope this chap was better!
Until next time

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