Opening up

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So this is Trin! I thought Sarah Hyland fit her really well! Hope you like her just as much as I do.

Trin's P.O.V

Something feels very wrong. You know that feeling when you feel like something bad happened?
Nope no idea. Trin, quit thinking in your and sleep. We need to continue training tomorrow and find out if you have more abilities. I need some rest woman!
Zay? What the heck are you doing in my mind? And what do you mean by more abilities?
This is really annoying. Zay had led me to the sleeping dorms. If you can even call it that. It was so small and the beds were so itchy and hard. Three people slept in one room. Other than me, Zay and some other person was in the room.
Stop thinking!
It's my mind! Get out!
Too bad!
Ugh! Answer my questions for the sake of sushi.
That didn't even make sense. Anyway, most people don't only have one ability. They have about two to even four. I have one. My senses are very enhanced. So yep now go to sleep.
I can't. I have this weird feeling nagging at me that something bad happened. Can I just think-speak to you?
Fine. You owe me.
Two full minutes passed and no annoying person is in my mind.
Zay? Are you there?
Oh yep. Who's Sachin?
Seriously? Were you searching my mind? Well, he's just a friend.
Are you sure? You were going to go on a date with him. And you seemed pretty happy when he called.
Wow. You're never going to stop are you? Well, I went out with him and pretended I was happy so that my parents would think I'm fine and that I wouldn't need to meet the shrink anymore.
Elaborate further please.
Enough okay?
Okay fine, more searching.
No please Zay don't. Zay?
You want to talk about it? I'm sure she would want you to.
Zay why can't you listen to me? I told you not to. I don't want to talk to some random boy who has no respect for my privacy.
Silence is all that I'm responded with. 
Zay? I'm sorry. I overreacted. It's just really scary and weird to have some boy I don't even know that well lurking in my mind.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Another beat of silence passes between us.
Hmm? What?
My real name is Zachary.
Oh okay.
My mum died when I was born.
I wanted to stop him, but I knew he needed to let it all out, just like how I needed to.
And my dad disappeared after that. So I lived with my aunt, uncle and their daughter, Faye. I never really liked my uncle. He was abusive. Towards all of us. He was a monster.
December 19th 2014.
That was the day. They were both fighting and all I heard was screams and things being thrown on the floor. I couldn't take it anymore and I went in their room to break the fight up. Just then, my uncle had pulled a gun out. He pointed it at my aunt and shot her right at her head. And then he turned it towards himself. I can never forget the way my uncle looked at me. With pity and desperation. That was when I first found out about my ability. I could read his thoughts. They were terrible. He was in pain. He was confused. And he was bearing too much guilt for things I don't really know about.
And then he shot himself.
I didn't know what to do. Scream? Cry? They just died then and there. I wanted to forget everything but I couldn't. I just couldn't.
Faye asked what was going on. She ran into the room and I couldn't stop her from looking. She didn't say anything. All she did was grab my hand and we both just stood there.
Sad but too weak to cry.
We ran away. We ran and ran. Luckily my late uncle and aunt were very rich. We took the money and our necessities and we ran, Trin. We made it to this town. There were these people and they agreed to take us in.
They were not what they seemed. They were different. That's all I can say.
There was a fire and these people dressed in black came. They. They tried to take her. I couldn't just lose her like everyone else, my parents, my uncle and aunt. I couldn't fail her. I shot one of them, with the same gun my uncle used to take both my aunt's and his life. Thus giving her time to escape. I didn't have time. They took me.
And that's how I'm here. That's why I need to escape too. To find her. She's only thirteen damn it! She's the only family I have left.
I didn't know how to respond. One thing I knew for sure was that Zay or Zachary and I had to escape. I wanted to speak up and comfort him but I knew that wasn't what he needed. It was good to open up. And I need to do it too.
Her name was Claire.
Zay shifted in his bed and turned to look at me with so much understanding that I felt warmth fill me.
We're not that different. You know?
Whatever you say mademoiselle.
Hey, do I call you Zay, Zachary or Zach or something else?
Just Zay. Faye used to call me that.
Okay. Zay? How old are you?
I'm 15, going on 16.
Damn it. You're one year older than me.
It seemed weird to talk about trivial things in a place where our lives were at stake, but with Zay, it's different.
No need to go all mushy on me.
I turned to face him, since his bed was one meter away from mine.
"You're something else Zay." I spoke, almost forgetting how to with all the talking in our minds.
A smile spread across his face and we both just lay there smiling, even when our worries tormented us in our minds.
A thought flashed through my mind. Zay, can you read people's minds and think-speak to people who aren't near you?
I guess so. Why'd you ask?
Could you help me reach my brother, Kai?
Okay I'll try. Think about a memory of him. A really strong one.
I thought about the time Kai and I were at the hospital the day before granny died. I thought about the words she spoke with those aged lips, the sights she saw with those wise eyes. She was the one person other than Kai and maybe even Zay, that truly understood me.
Okay I have a connection. I need you to give me a while. To find him.
Okay, how long?
About one hour. Maybe longer if I'm in luck.
-after a million years-
(Actually ten minutes)
Zay? You done?
-After ten more minutes-
Nope. Not with you asking me every minute.
-After ten more minutes-
Okay I'm done.
I'm not falling for it again Zay.
No really.
I'm not an idiot, this is getting old.
Fine if you don't want to me to search him.
Okay okay, search.
Silence once again. Without Zay's thoughts in my mind or any other sound, the silence is deafening.
Zay's silence is starting to worry me.
Zay? Zay? You there? Did you get anything? From Kai?
Trin. I'm sorry. Something bad happened. Ava, your friend, is hurt, really badly. They were on a bus and it crashed.
The words hit me harder than I thought it would. Ava. No. This can't be happening. I didn't know her really well but she doesn't deserve to die.
Why were they on the bus?
They were on their way to find you. They're using the watch you're wearing. Your parents put a tracker in it a long time ago so Kai used it to find where you were to get you out. He's scared that Ava won't make it. Trin, she's hurt really badly.
Oh my god. They were going to help get me out. But how with only two people? Surely Kai had a plan.
Wait let me see.
Okay they were looking for...
Oh my.
What Zay? What? Don't freak me out.
They're looking for the same people that took me and Faye in. Your brother knows them because they took him in once. Before he found you and your parents. Trin! Maybe he'll see Faye.
I still don't understand. Who were those people? Does them taking him in have something to do with who he was running from?
Zay? Find out.
Holy. Shit.
Speak Zay, speak.
He was taken too! When he was about four years old. He doesn't remember much. But it's not like how when you're young you forget about something. I know because then I'll still be able to uncover them for me to read. But this memory has been wiped away, Trin. Someone wiped it away.
But who? Why? How?
Zay. I have no idea. Another thought strikes me.
Do you think Kai may have abilities?
I don't know. He doesn't seem to think so.
Okay maybe we should rest and then tomorrow we check on him to see if Ava's okay.
Can you think-speak to him too?
To tell him about the abilities and everything else?
No, I don't think so. I can only think-speak to someone when they've seen me or like know I'm there. It's weird but yeah. I'm sorry Trin, about your friend.
An idea sparks in my mind.
Zay, can you read Ava's mind?
I already tried. She isn't responding. If she isn't given medical attention soon, she'll be gone...
Any feeling of hope starts to crash down rapidly. Please let them be alright.
Taking my earlier advice on resting, I start to close my eyes, letting myself fall into a world where I hope my worries don't reach me.
Okay. So wow. That was an interesting chapter.

Who ships Trinity and Zay?

If you do, what ship name would you give them?

Do you think Faye is still with the weird foster family?

Do you think Ava'll survive?

What do you think happened to Claire?

Please VOTE & COMMENT! :)
Thanksies! Hope you like this chapter! I finally got inspiration to write. Lol. Please answer my questions! It really makes my day! Kk byeeeee.
Until next time:)

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