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Trin's P.O.V
Where am I? I surveyed my surroundings but only darkness was there. My wrists itched and when I looked down I could see that they were tied up.Fear hit me like a train. Why are my wrists tied up? I took a deep breath and all the recent events flashed through my mind. I opened my eyes in horror as the haze covering what happened finally lifted. Tears pricked my eyes as I thought how such a good day had turned into a nightmare. I squirmed and tried to remove the ropes in hopes of escaping but to no avail I realised that my ankles had been shackled to the chair.

Suddenly, footsteps approached the place I was held in. As my sight improved, I could finally see my surroundings. I was held captive in what appears to be a old storeroom. The only source of light that helped to make seeing my surroundings easier was from the keyhole of the rusty door in front of me.
The door slammed open and my skin jumped at the goosebumps forming on it. A large figure stood at the entrance. My heart stopped when I saw a slim and shiny blade in the figure's hand.
Trying to find my voice, I cleared my throat.
Think, think what would Beyoncé do in a situation like this? Or Nelson Mandela? Or Opera Winfrey? Or umm who else? Iron man! Without a second thought, I knew that they would never show fear and give up. They would be strong, never back down or show defeat.
There's a quote that I know that's about being strong. "You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it." 

Sucking in a deep breath, I found my voice again.

"What do you want from me? If you want money, you're in for a reality check 'cause I'm literally broke, I mean mum cut my allowance and I had to buy that dress for Lau..." Realizing that I was rambling and I sure didn't want to tell all this information to someone who kidnapped me, I clamped my mouth shut and stared at the figure, with what I hope was with defiance. But inside I was screaming my lungs out.
The figure finally came into view and sneered. "I don't want any of your money. What you have is far more valuable..." She stared at me and said with a steely edge to her voice so cold that I had to force myself to look away. "What do you mean? Look. I could just ask you questions and get no answers and waste my breath like all those main characters in movies but wouldn't this be a lot easier if you explain everything and we both try to compromise?" I said trying to sound mature and reasonable although in truth I was just desperate but no way am I showing her fear.
" I like you... Your questions will be answered only after permission is granted. Lunch is in ten. Follow 18 and go to the cafeteria." She replied calmly as if everything made sense. Which I assure you wasn't the case for me. Just as I was about to ask who 18 is or why this person would even be called 18, a boy about my age appeared. The lady left and he grabbed a knife and cut away the ropes around my wrists. Trying to use this as my advantage, I tried to lunge away and escape but obviously the boy, 18 whatever, knew what I was trying to do and in a matter of seconds, the knife was now pressed against my neck.
"One wrong move and I'll kill you 32..." 18's husky voice said. I turned to look at him. 18 had sandy blond hair and clear grey eyes. He was actually really good-looking but considering he is part of the people who kidnapped me, I'm so not interested, like seriously why would I even be? I'm basically in a life-threatening situation. Who in the world has time for relationships and all those crappy romances? Don't get me wrong I love dressing up and stuff and I'm a bit of a fashionista/diva in a good way but all those romance movies put a wrong perception of love into our minds. Love isn't about flowers,dates,looks or money, it's about the feeling of respect and understanding.
Why am I even thinking about this now? I sat back on the chair and waited for my shackles around my ankles to be removed.
I guess now my name is 32... Why can't these people use real names? Like seriously are names that hard to remember?
Shifting my mind back to reality, I made a promise to myself. I will escape from here but first I need to find out why these people kidnapped me, where I am and what that lady meant by I had something far more valuable than money. Also why these people use numbers instead of names.
While I was finally free from the shackles, I could hear some voices outside. Craning my neck, I tried in vain to catch a glimpse of what was outside the storeroom but 18 had already grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the storeroom. "Where are you taking me? To the cafeteria?" Silence was the answer and I took it as a yes. "Well good, I'm starving..." I muttered to myself. That earned a chuckle from 18. I glared at him but found myself laughing too, inside. Here I was, kidnapped by God knows who in some place, where people used numbers instead of names to talk to other people and I'm thinking about how hungry I was. Well it's a part of human nature. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And now I was hungry... That is a part the movies missed. How can they satisfy their hunger when they're busy fighting bad guys or escaping from thugs?
18 directed me to a table and I took my seat. 18 was just about to take a seat opposite me, when a girl about two years or one year younger than me walked up and pushed him away.
"Hi, I'm 24, you must be 32. So what's your ability?" She asked. I looked up at her with confusion painted on my face. She frowned as if she was disappointed. "You don't know your ability?" She questioned. Well, this is getting nowhere. "Uhhhh... Okay please explain what you mean by ability, and also WHY WAS I KIDNAPPED!" I screamed.
18 and 24 looked at me as if I was crazy and now I'm starting to think I am. Kai, anybody, where are you?Please help me get out of here... I silently prayed.

Hey! Hope you like this chapter:) this is dedicated to fionaeethemonkey and 404violetbug they are both two very awesome friends. I wanted to ask.

Who is your favorite character?

Who do you ship?

Bye! Please vote and if you find any errors please feel free to message me:)


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