Chapter 12

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Since me and Angie couldn't be seen sneaking into the torture chamber, we went inside by one of the doors that Angie said were not guarded. What do you expect a torture chamber to look like? Yeah, I had expected people bieng tortured, but nothing in the world could have prepared me for the traumatizing scene before me.
The building was sound proof, but when we entered we heard agonizing screams echoing around. We walked into a hallway. It looked as normal as any hallway like a hotel or apartment building. I made the worst mistake of my life by peeking In some of the small windows of the rooms. It wasn't just any room, it was a place of internal suffering.
I looked and saw humans, Demons, and Fallen angels. Some were hanging from above, some were sprawled out on the ground. Some were re-living their worst memories or nightmares over and over again. Some were being physically tormented with whips and chains. Blood was everywhere, splattered on the walls and floor of the rooms.
My legs felt like jello and I could barely hold myself up. "I never knew how horrible it was," Angie whispered. Her voice was shaky. I barely heard her voice over the screeches surrounding us. I couldn't pull my gaze away from the appalling scene before me. "No wonder Damen never let me come with him here," when I finally tore myself away from the window I was gawking, i looked over at Angie, who's face looked even paler than before, wet from tears that streaked her face. and her eyes looked like mine probably did. Filled with shock and disbelief. I looked down at my hands and they were shaking. "You mean Damen comes here often?" I couldn't stop myself from trembling.
"Yeah, he's always trying to help people escape."
"What do you mean? People can't just leave,"
"Yeah, it's impossible. Try telling that to Damen though."
As I followed her around the end of the wall, I could feel eyes on me, pleading helplessly.
"Do you know where we are going?" I asked.
Well that figures. It's not like we can walk up to someone and ask for directions. Even if we could, where would we ask directions to?
"Are we going to get lost?" Angie looked around. "I don't know where we are," her voice wavered. Feeling like I was going to faint, I sat down on the floor against the wall of the hallway.  Angie did the same. We were two teenage girls, huddled against a wall an a torture chamber.
"Let's call Damen,"
"Do cell phones work in hell?"
"Yeah," huh. Well Who would have thought.
I took out my iphone and called Damen. He answered right away. "Hey, what's up?"
"Where are you?"
"In the torture chamber. Whatever you do, don't follow me."
"We already did. We can't see you anywhere." I heard him curse under his breath.
"I'm sorry you saw this,"
"It's okay, but me and Angie are sort of freaked, and don't want to get lost, or caught."
"I'll find you. What's the number on the closest door?"
I looked over one on the doors there were numbers. "264,"
"Okay, be there In a sec."
Damen hung up and I looked over at Angie. She looked younger than 15. She looked like a scared 10 year old. We didn't have to wait long before Damen flew around from one of the corners and joined us. He hugged both of us, and I cried. Angie cried. Angie an I stayed like that until we stopped trembling. Stepping away from us, Damen said, "well since you came, you might as well follow me to Kirks chamber."


When i saw Hana and Angie huddled on the floor, scared for life, I didn't know what to say so I came over and hugged them. Why did the follow me? I knew that this place would be too much for them. Angie always wanted to come with me, but I never let her. I was supposed to take care of Angelica, and I tried to protect her from things as terrible as this. Just because someone lives in hell doesn't mean their used to something as gory as this. And Hana. She had never even been to the underworld before. I remember once she told me that she hated horror movies because they always gave her nightmares after. I don't even want to know what this did to her.
I knew which room Kirk was in. Don't ask how I know that. We turned down a few hall ways, with the girls following silently behind me. I wished I had the power to erase thier memories, but sadly I could not.
"Here it is," I stopped at room 409. Peeking in the window, I saw a weak, shaking Kirk. His worst fear was snakes. He had nightmares about snakes. And in the room, it was filled with hungry venomous snakes slithering all around Kirk, who was tied to a chair. The snakes were biting his legs, and some were on his lap and curled around his arms. I didn't mind snakes, but no one would want to be strapped to a chair, for the rest of my life. "So what do we do now?" Hana asked. Angie tried opening the door but it was locked. I pulled out a key from my pocket. "Where did you get that?" She asked.
"I have my ways," meaning I knocked out one of the Demon guards. The place doesn't have that much security, since there aren't many people that want to break into a torture chamber. "When we go in, won't the snakes attack us?"
"They aren't real," I replied as I opened the door. The snakes disappeared, leaving traumatized Kirk, who's eyes were bloodshot and his clothes torn.
"Kirk?" I asked. He didn't hear me. He was in his own world, trying to block everything out around him. I walked over to him and untied him from the chair. "Kirk! Wake up!"
I shook him and he finally looked at me. "Damen?" He croaked. "Are they gone? The snakes. They were everywhere. Everywhere," he started rocking back and forth. We couldn't stay in here much longer without getting caught. "Snap out of it! Listen to me, Kirk. Remember your love? What was her name?"
"Yes, Kirk, Dina. We need to contact her. Can she come here?"
"The snakes..." He went back to rocking. This guy has gone mad. "Kirk! How can I contact dina?"
"We met on earth,"
"Near the lake, there were no snakes there...snakes!"
Hana walked over next to me, and slapped him. I tried not to laugh. Hana never slaps anyone. "Kirk. Will Dina be at the lake now?"
"She thought the sunrise on earth was beautiful. Went there every night."
"Okay, good. Where is the lake?"
"In Rainswell, it was in the forest. Our secret place, no snakes,"
"Okay, thanks Kirk," we started to leave his room .
"The snakes! No! They are coming back! Don't leave!"
I shut the door and locked it, with his screams following us.
"Let's get out of here," Hana told me. I couldn't agree more. I made a portal right there, in the hallway. I could tell Hana couldn't be here any longer. She was weak as it is here. I held her hand and we followed Angie back to earth.

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