Chapter 5

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As I cooked dinner, I kept glancing at my iPhone. Each time it showed the same thing- no missed calls- maybe Damen changed his mind about calling me. No big deal. It's not like I was looking forward to him calling. Once dinner was ready I put some in a bowl for myself and put the rest in The fridge for Selene. As I headed upstairs, bowl in one hand, phone in the other, I realized how silly it was to be stressing about this. If he called or not, it wouldn't make a difference, right? Once I was upstairs, I started eating. When I finished and brought my bowl downstairs, I decided to draw to distract myself. When I finished and looked at my sketch, Damens face looked back at me. When I start drawing someone, I must be pretty obsessed with them, I put the drawing carefully at the back of all my drawings. Facing the fact that Damen will never call me, I go to have a shower and get ready for bed.

Once I've had my shower and put my pjs on, I look at my iPhone. 2 missed calls- Damen called me! He didn't abandon me at all! Wait a second. I missed him twice. But now, since I knew his number, I put it in my contacts. My contacts consist of 3 people. Nancy, my adoptive dad, and now Damen. I call him back. He answers right away. "Hey,"
"Sorry I missed your calls, I waited for a while but then I had a shower and was getting ready for bed and then I-"
"Shhh you don't need to apologize," he interrupted my babbling.
"Ok sorry,"
"So, what's up?" I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Nothing," so far our conversation is a fail. What should I say?
I was about to say something, when I was interrupted by, "Hana! You put too much salt in the pasta and there's not enough sauce!" Selene yelled from downstairs. I was praying to God that Damen did not hear that. I covered the phone and yelled back, "sorry! I'll be down In a minute!"
"Was that your mother?" Apparently Damen did over hear. Embarrassing! "Oh, yeah, she's a little bit fussy sometimes," I was relieved he couldn't see me blushing. "I should go, I'll see you at school tomorrow!" I hung up and went downstairs where Selene waited, ready to give me another boring lecture on how to cook properly.

*a few days later*
It's Sunday. The rest of the week went by okay. Damen tried to transfer to more of my classes, but the only one he could get in was gym. I hadn't noticed until then that Damen is always wearing a hoodie. Since it's fall, that's normal,but even in gym he refused to take it off. I asked him why but he avoided the question and changed the topic each time.
I also have been having more of those weird dreams lately. If I had I best friend, or someone I could really trust, I'd tell them about all these things. I mean, I trust Damen, but it's not like we've known each other for that long.

It's late morning and I don't have anything to do today. Im just in my room, drawing. I decide to text Damen to see what he's doing.

Me-hi :D
Damen- hey
Me-R U doing anything today?
Damen- was just about 2 go 4 a walk
Me- can I come:)
Damen- k meet me @ the park
Me- k :P

Damen never uses smiley faces in his texts. I told him he should.
I looked down at myself and realized all I was wearing were jogging pants and a sweater. I decided to get changed. Once I was ready, I stepped outside. It didn't seem that cold out so I opted to leave my jacket at home. As I was walking I realized that I didn't know which park he was talking about. There's a lot of parks in Rainswell. I decided to go to the one closest to me and hope for the best.

When I got there I didn't see him at first. Eventually I saw him though sitting at a bench. "Where are we walking?" I asked.
"Does there have to be a destination?"
"Did you just answer a question with a question?"
"You just did too," he pointed out. We got off the bench and Damen headed toward the forest. "Which trail should we take?"
"we can make our own trail,"
"But we will get lost,"
"No we won't, just trust me," he started walking into the middle of the forest, farther from the trails then I'm comfortable with. He moved a few branches and helped me over some fallen logs as we walked. "Do you walk very often?" I asked
"No, but usually the places I want to go to are far so by default, I do walk often."
"Do you have a car?"
"Yeah but I can't drive it in a forest."
Before I could ask what he meant, we walked into a clearing. It was small but the grass looked so soft and the place seemed so welcoming. I just stopped right out of the clearing. "We're here."
"I thought you said there was no destination,"
"No, I said there didn't have to be."
"This place is beautiful, were you here before?"
"I found it yesterday. I wanted to show it to you."
He stepped into the middle of the place. He sat down and motioned for me to join him. Sitting on the soft grass, I noticed that there wasn't much sun here. I mean it's a forest, so trees usually cover most of the sun, but here, it was very dark and gloomy.
Romantic. A voice inside me whispered. No, creepy. I corrected myself. "There isn't much sunlight here," I commented.
"I like the dark,"
"I don't,"
"Well obviously," he muttered.
"What do you mean?"
He looked like he regretted something but recovered quickly and answered, "I mean, you don't seem like a night person, that's all. Am I right?"
"Yeah, you are,"
"Would you like to go somewhere light?"
"No, it's okay, I like it here," just as I said that a gust of wind hit us and I shivered. Why didn't I wear a jacket? I asked myself. Damen must have noticed me shiver because he hugged me in his arms. His big hoodie that he always wore was warm and smelled nice.
I liked sitting there, with just Damen, and i wanted to stay like that forever. But then he asked, "can I see your back?" I jumped away from him. "Why?"
All he wanted to see was my back though? That was suprizing. Most teenage boys would be interested in other things I shall not mention, but no, Damen just wanted to look at my back. Why?
He wants to see my hideous scars,
"So can you take off your shirt?"
Okay. We are in the middle of a forest. It's freezing out. And this guy expects me to just freely take off my shirt? No.
"Well no, if someone sees us that would be awkward,"
"Fine. Can't you just lift the back of your shirt enough for me to see your scars?"
"Fine. But they're not pretty," I lifted the back of my shirt careful not to expose too much of my skin other than where my two parallel scars were. He traced my scars with his finger. "I knew it," he whispered. "Knew what?" I asked. He didn't seem to realize he spoke that out loud because when I asked him he just looked away. "Nothing,"
I pulled my top back down and looked at him. "You saw my hideousness. Are you happy now?"
"You shouldn't call them hideous, I think your scars are just part of what makes you who you are."
"What did you mean when you said you knew it?" I asked.
"I...knew that your scars weren't as bad as you said they were," it was obvious that he was lying. "Have you ever thought about your life before your accident?" His question took me off guard. I hadn't thought about it, actually. "It's getting late. Let's head back,"

Damen was right. We didn't get lost.but the whole time we walked back I was thinking about how all these years, I never even attempted to find out who my real parents were or how I got these scars. Well, I thought to myself, I guess I'll start now.

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