Chapter 4

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When I got home I started to do my chores. What happened to Nancy? It's like someone flipped a personality switch. I decided I should call her and see what's up. It took a few rings before she picked up. "Hello?" She sounded happy. I took that as a good sign.
"Hey, Nancy, is everything okay?"
"Yes, boyfriend stealer, life is just peachy," I then realized she was just being sarcastic. He wasn't even her boyfriend, I thought. "I didn't mean to hurt you, it's not like I wanted Damen to be interested in me,"
"Oh really? You guys probably meet up secretly every night without me knowing."
"Um, I only met him yesterday,"
"Yet he seems obsessed with you,"
"Well I can't control that,"
"Well, when my BFF comes back, tell her to call me,"
I hung up. I had to blink several times to stop the tears threatening to fall. I just lost my best friend today. Over a boy.
I wanted to call Damen. Why? He caused you to loose your best friend. One half of me thought.
He liked you enough to give you his phone number. The other half of me said. Sadly, even if I wanted to talk, I don't even have his phone number. I decided to go to the store I saw him in yesterday. As I'm walking I realize how stupid this plan is. What will be the odds he will be there again at the same time as me? Unlikely. But since I was on my way, I continued to go to the plaza. Just as I thought, he wasn't there.
I was just about to head back when I heard, "Hana!" I looked over to see Damen, who practically materialized behind me. "How did you know I was here?"
"I was just walking and happened to see you enter this store," he said. "Do you always go grocery shopping two days in a row?" He asked.
"Oh... Um, no, I just... Forgot something. That's all,"
"Did you drive here?"
"No, I walked,"
"I'll walk back to your house with you if you like,"
I didn't know what to say. I would have loved to walk with him. But I just met him! You shouldn't tell a guy where you live if you've only known him a day! Should you?
I decided to compromise.
"I was actually going to head over to Mazy's Mocha, it's a few stores down from here,"
"Oh, can I go with you?"
"Okay," he had said exactly what I'd hoped. But wait a second. Does that mean we are going on a date? Nah, I thought. We're just going to have a coffee together. Like friends.

When we got in I walked straight past me and Nancy's old spot and sat somewhere new. He sat across from me. "What type of coffee do you usually get?" He asked. "A vanilla latte," I replied. As he walked away to get the drinks I realized what this situation was.
I'm on a date with a guy I just met.
There was something about him though, that I really liked. He came back and handed me my drink. "Thanks," I took a sip.
We sat there in awkward silence until he said, "is your friend always like that?"
"Nancy? No, I just think She liked you. Why did you ignore her?"
"I didn't like her."
"Well you didn't have to act like that! She's not my friend because of how you didn't pay any attention to her!"
"Why was she your friend in the first place if she gets mad at anything she doesn't approve of?"
I was speechless. Because he was right, why was I a friend with someone like that? Now that I think about it, she had been really mean to some kids. I just never really noticed her dark side until she turned on me.
"Your right," was all I could say.
He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm assuming that she left out a lot of the details about your past, so would you like to tell me yourself?"
I told him the story, how I was found in the coma with scars, when I was adopted, my crappy adopted mom, and everything. When I finished I looked at him. "My life sucks, and the only person I liked and cared about was Nancy, and now that she's gone, I'm alone"
He was silent for a while until he finally asked, "where are your scars?"
"Out of everything I just said, that's all your saying?"
He just looked at me. "Are they on your back, by any chance?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"Just a guess. So, what hobbies do you like to do in your spare time?"
He just completely changed the subject. Not that I minded, though, I hate talking about my scars. "Well, I love to paint. But since I don't have many supplies, I usually just draw with a pencil and paper,"
"I would like to see your art one time"
"Okay, enough about me, tell me about yourself,"
"Well, okay, my parents divorced when I was young and I went from foster home to foster home until I could live alone. I actually have a sister, too, but she isn't good around people. She's, uh, homeschooled"
Well then. This guys life wasn't great either. Like me,
I wanted to ask for his phone number again, but what could I say? My mom tore it up into peices. No. "Um, can you write down your phone number for me again? I sort of lost it," he smiled at me. I realized that I haven't seen him smile before. "How about you give me yours," he said. I wrote down my number and handed it to him. "I should get going soon though, my sister expected me to be home at 4," I didn't realize how late it had gotten until I looked at my iPhone. "Oh! It's 5:15 already?" Realizing I should be making dinner by now, I stood up. "Thanks for the coffee, bye!" I hurried off hoping Selene doesn't come home until late.

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