Chapter 22

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I have given up. On earth, time goes slower than any of the other realms. And I have stayed on earth, for weeks, waiting for Hana to return. I have a feeling that she won't be, though, as heaven is where she is supposed to be.
The underworld is where I am supposed to be. So far I have been refusing to go back whenever Angie or Derek are going down there. Today, however, might be the day I do.

It's around midnight and I'm soaring through the sky, with the light of the moon guiding me. Once I hit the earthly ground yet again, I decide that I'm going to go home. I gather the dark energy around me and create the portal I'm so used to making. Without a second thought, I step through and return to my home.

Once I'm on the other side, I look around at the familiar surroundings. It's so different than earth. I head over to my dorm room, considering I don't know what else to do. On my way there, though, someone stops me. "Damen! We have been ssssearching for you," it's a demon. "What for?" I ask.
"Our Master wishes to speak with you,"
"Okay, let's go then," I follow the demon over to my Masters dark castle.
As we walk, a feeling of dread flows through me. I have an idea of what He might want to talk to me about, and I don't think I'll like it. my Master isn't the 'second chance' type, so I'm going to hope for the best.

Once we get there, I realize that I haven't been to His palace for ages. It's made of bloodstone, and it is very big. We walk through the huge doors and down many hallways. Eventually we reach the one of which that is my Masters throne. "Good luck," the demon whispers to me. It's not often that demons are nice, but they know the horrors of what He can do when He is mad. I nod at the demon before opening the door. Inside, I see him. His wings have been dark for so many eons, that all the feathers have fallen off, leaving bat-like wings that he has tucked behind his back. His eyes are almost as black as the demons, but there is a rim of red around his pupils.
He isn't much like the humans image of the devil, though, his skin is not red, nor does he have a tail or horns. He is just very... Dark.
"greetings, master," I say.
"Hello, Damen. Have you heard the news from heaven?" He asks calmly.
"No, Master, I have not,"
"Well, apparently, Magdalena, Evangeline's daughter, has returned to heaven,"
"That's very unfortunate, master,"
"And do you know why she is back in heaven?" From his calm voice, I'm getting nervous that he is going to snap.
"No, Master,"
"She is back, because SHE IS NOT DEAD!" He roars. I take a step back.
"No, I-"
"ITS BECAUSE YOU DID NOT KILL HER WHEN I TOLD YOU TO!" His powerful voice shakes the room.
"Master, if I had another opportunity, I would surely take it," I lie.
"You have displeased your master, Damen. Do you know what that means?"
"Wait! I have an idea,"
"Me too. Why should I listen to your idea?"
"Because I know how to capture Magdalena."
"Go on,"
"If Magdalena really has returned, then I'm sure heaven will be celebrating," I'm regretting the words as I say them. "So, they will be distracted. A perfect time for an attack. They will be shocked, and we can find her, and take her in the chaos."
"Hm, that is a good idea. I will use it, possibly, but I don't need you for it."
"But you do, as I know where she will be. I have been to heaven more recently than you have,"
"FINE. I have decided that we will attack heaven. And you may be a part of it. But if you don't have Evangeline's daughter for me by the end of it, I will end you."
With that, I walk out of the room.
I'm probably going to die after this, but my real idea is to use this as a way to get to heaven. And I will find Hana and take her. But whatever happens, I am not bringing her down here. It's not fair. It isn't Hana that my Master doesn't like, it's her mom. But He knows that he won't have a chance to kill Evangeline, so in his mind, her daughter is the next best thing.
The only reason I told part of my idea to Him is because if I didn't, he would have found a way to get to Magdalena himself, and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it if I was dead.

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