Chapter 3

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We're running
They are after us
I was separated.
Scared. Confused.
I was caught.
A knife was pulled out
I'm falling... Falling...

I bolted upright. Looking around, I realized I'm still in my room. What was that? I don't usually have dreams I remember, let alone some confusing nightmare. I look at my clock. 4:27. Great. I'll probably stay awake until I need to go to school, and will be tired. Knowing there's no chance of me falling back to sleep, I get up and go down stairs. Still in my bunny PJs, I get a glass of water. I might as well start getting ready for school.

All through getting ready, and going on the bus to school, I can't stop thinking about my dream.

In math, I take my new seat beside Damen, who took over my old spot where I loved to gaze out the window. He turned to look at me. "You look tired,"
"Well, thanks." I said sarcastically.
I guess he is the type of person to speak his thoughts. He must have realized he offended me though because he looked away and said, "You still look amazing, though," I looked at him in shock. He called me amazing!
No. Stop. He probably didn't mean it. I mean my hair was a mess and all I was wearing was a hoodie and jeans. Nothing amazing. I looked over and realized he was also wearing a hoodie. His was black, like mine.

As much as I hated to admit it, that small complement made my day. Grinning like a moron, I walked into Science."hey Hana! Why are ya smiling like that?" Since I didnt want to go into a Damen conversation again, I just said, 

"I'll tell you at lunch," as I sat down.

Lunch came sooner than I thought. After science I have Spanish class, which went by fast, like normal. I sat at our usual table, and waited for Nancy to arrive. When she came carrying a tray of spaghetti and pop, she looked at me expectantly. "What?"
"I didn't forget. You said you would tell me at lunch."
"Oh.. Yeah."
"Damen called me amazing. No big deal."
"Oh my goodness!" To my surprise, she wasn't jealous or angry. Instead she sounded happy. "If you and Damen become friends, promise you will put in a good word about me?"
No wonder she wasn't mad. She wants me to persuade Damen to ask her on a date.
"Okay," I said. 

"Ohhhh I see him!" Looking over my shoulder to where she was pointing, I saw him. Damen was sitting at a table by himself. "We should invite him to our table." Before I could reply, Nancy got my hand and pulled me towards him. Damen looked up. 

"Hi, Hana," he didn't even look at Nancy. But she made sure it didn't stay like that.

 She stood in front of me and with an almost flirtatious voice, asked, "hey, Damen. I'm Nancy Lee, Hana's can call me Nancy. I noticed you were alone and generously thought we should ask if you would like to sit with us?" She looked at him expectantly. But Damen wasn't looking at her when he said,

 "I'd love to. Thanks for asking." His blue eyes were on me as he spoke.

As we walked over to our table, Damen sat down next to me. Nancy sat on his other side and practically squished against him. "So, I heard your from Germany. I've always wanted to go there" I knew for a fact that Nancy did not care about going to Germany. I just sat there, quietly. 

"Okay, enough about me, Tell me a little bit about yourselves," Damen looked at me, but Nancy answered. After her speech about how she loved cheerleading and singing and her dance lessons and how her parents were very rich, (they weren't) then Damen asked, "what about you, Hana?"  I was very annoyed when Nancy answered for me.

 "Oh, she's adopted and her adoptive mom is horrible. Hana was found in a coma when she was a baby and has nasty scars and stuff,"

I shot her a look wtf? Why are you doing this? She ignored me though. "Oh, that's terrible! I have a few scars too. It's nothing to be ashamed about," Damen did the opposite of what Nancy hoped and sympathized with me. "I live alone. My parents divorced and left me when I was young, too" Nancy looked furious, but tried hiding it. With a new plan, she started to sympathize too. 

"I know, I feel so bad for Hana! I'm always helping her and driving her around,"

As Nancy tried, and failed, to impress Damen, the lunch bell rang and finally, lunch ended, I quickly stood up and walked away from both of them. I trusted Nancy. What happened? It was like she turned into another person! I can't possibly lose my best friend! I don't know what I'd do without her.

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