Chapter 15

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As soon as we stepped out of the room I saw angels everywhere cheering, because of me.
"Everyone! Get back to work and leave poor Lena alone. We will hold a ceremony celebrating the return of Magdalena soon. Until then, go!" Evangelene, or My mom, yelled at all the Angels. Most of them backed away, leaving us space. "Come, my dear Lena, I shall show you to your room,"
We went up a few floors and stopped at the 5th floor. "This is our place," Mom said as she exited the elevator. I looked around and the room did look more like a house, or apartment building. It was very pretty. I lived here? "Was this my house?"
"Our house, my dear."
We walked over to a door that she opened. "this is your old room."
I looked around. The walls were pink and there were stuffed animals everywhere. It looked like it belonged to a child. "Um," 
"You do realize that you were very young when you last slept here, so feel free to change it up to your liking,"
"Oh," I forgot about that. The space was nice, if I could Change the colour and furniture.
"You can keep this," Mom handed me my necklace back that I gave her. "Thanks,"
"Now sit. You must tell me everything you remember. And how you found your way home,"
Oh no. Now I need to explain everything without including Damen. How could I do that?
I told her how I remembered bieng in a coma and waking up with scars on my back. I told her about my memories I've been having in my sleep. "And how did you find out you were not human?"
"Well..." I was saved by a knock on the door. "Eva? Your needed on the 3rd floor."
Mom sighed. "Sorry Lena, I need to go. Make yourself at home," she left, leaving me alone. I got up and left my room. I walked into what looked like the living room. On the walls were photographs. Some were of me. Unlike the one in the locket, I could see my full body.mi was short, like all 4 year olds, but I had wings. They were tiny, but the were so white and beautiful. In one picture it was of me and my mom smiling. We looked so similar. In another I saw myself an a mans arms. He must be my dad, I thought. He lifted me up and it looked like i couldn't fly yet, and he was helping me practice. There were more photos, like of me at a birthday, because I was eating cake. There were more that didn't have me. I saw my mom kissing what i assumed was my dad.
I heard someone clear his throat and I jumped. There was someone standing at the entrance to the living room.
"I didn't mean to startle you," it was the same voice that asked my mom to leave. 
He had blue eyes like me and his hair was light brown. He looked a little older than me. His wings looked exactly like Damens except a pearly White. And, like Damen, he didn't wear a shirt.
"I know I'm not supposed to bother you, but I had to see for myself that you were really back,"
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Raziel. My job is as a Gaurdian of heaven," he said that proudly. I guess bieng a gaurdian of heaven is a good job to have.
"I'm Hana. But most people recognize me as Magdalena."
"I know who ya are, Len. We used to be friends. You called me Razy even though I hated it."
How did this guy remember me if he was only like 4 at the time? Or maybe he's really old like Damen. "How old are you?"
"Well I'm 22 right now. I was 9 when you left. You were 5 by the way. Your birthday is in April. I remember it a little more clearly than you do, I'm guessing."
"Oh. So you know what happened?" I must be 18 now then, not 17! Woah, im old.
"Well, i remember how we were playing together, at the playground. but then an alarm sounded. We were bieng attacked by the dark ones, Which are Fallen angels and Demons. When they are together, they are stronger, and able to create a portal to heaven. You didn't know what was going on So I grabbed your hand and we ran into a building. All children are to stay cover there. You were so scared You were shaking. I remember hugging telling you it would be okay. But Then some adults burst in. They told us to run. The Dark Ones got past the gates and were invading heaven. So we ran. It was chaos out there. And we got separated. I tried finding you, I called and called, and couldn't see you. Eventually they retreated. We looked for you everywhere, but couldn't even find a trace. Except for one of your feathers."
Oh my gosh. Damen must have been part of that raid when he saw someone cut my wings. But why where they there? And apparently I was really good friends with Raziel. He tried protecting me. But he was only 9 at the time. It must have scarred him for life. Like me with the torture chamber. I'm glad I don't remember everything.
"Why did the dark ones attack us?"
"Well, they are after power. And to get that power, they kill the angels to take power from them."
"Why didn't I get killed?"
"I don't know," Raziel looked like he was replaying that horrible memory in his head. Should I call him Raziel? He said I used to call him Razy but that seemed more like for a little kid. He called me Len, and I haven't heard anyone else call me that. I liked the name Raziel. "Raziel,"
"What?" Oops, I didn't mean to say it out loud,
"Does your name mean anything?"
"Yeah, it means Angel of mysteries,"
"Oh, does Magdalena mean anything?"
"I dunno,"
"Oh." We sat there in awkward silence for a while. I looked over at Raziel and he was looking at the photographs on the wall.
"Do you want me to give you a tour of the building? Ya know, since you haven't been here in 13 years,"
We got up and on our way to the door Raziel slipped his hand into mine. I don't care if we used to be best friends when we were kids, I don't really feel comfortable holding his hand. I hold Damens hand some times. Damen. How could I have forgot about him? I need to let him know I'm okay. Casually, I pulled my hand away from Raziels grasp and asked,
"Is there cell phone service here?"
"Yeah." Well if I can use my iPhone in hell than I'd assume that it would be the same in heaven.
"Um, I'm going to make a quick call. Wait there, I'll be back in a minute," I went into my room and locked the door.
Damen answered on the first ring. "Hana? Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?"
"No, I'm fine. Actually better than fine. apparently I'm the daughter of someone very important. Everyone is happy I came back,"
"Your staying?"
"No! But Im going to look around a little, and meet everyone."
"Len! Are you comin?" Raziel called from outside. "Be there in a sec!" I yelled back.
"Who was that?" Damen must have heard him.
"Raziel. He said that he used to be my friend before the accident."
"Some one who's name is 'mysterious' I don't trust,"
"Aww are you jealous?"
"No! I'm just worried for your safety. Come back soon, bye Hana" he hung up. Damen did not seem happy about Raziel. The last time I even saw Raziel he was like 7. It's not like we were a couple or anything. Damen needs to calm down. I put my iPhone in my pocket and went out to see Raziel.
"Who were you talking to?"
"Just a friend from earth,"
"Oh," he walked over to the Elevator and pushed the down button. When we stepped into the elevator Raziel looked like he was going to hold my hand again so I put my hands in my pockets.
"You used to always want to hold my hand," he looked sad. Too bad, I'm not going to hold his hand.
"I was 4 at that time, Raziel. Things change,"
"Call me Raz,"
"Ok, Raz." Once we reached the bottom floor and stepped out, a bunch of eyes turned to me. "Magdalena?" Someone asked.
"Quick, let's go where it's less busy," Raz grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards an empty hallway. One we started walking, he didn't let go of my wrist. Geez, this guy just wouldn't give up.
"Raz. I have a boyfriend down at earth and I think he would appreciate it if you would stop touching me,"
"A human boyfriend?"
"Yes," I lied.
"I'm much stronger than some human boyfriend," he ruffled the feathers on his wings. Was that some type of angel flirtation? Like cant he stop?
"Raz, we can still be friends, okay? But nothing more."
"Yet," he whispered. I sighed.
As we walked Raz explained some things to me about my past.
I'm the daughter of one of the four First Angels. Which are the Angels that God created first by himself. They were the Originals. A little bit later he decided to make more and the four angels helped him. Then he stopped and the Angels 'created a bigger population themselves' he worded it like that. The four angels are my mom, Evangelene, and another girl Lailah, and two boys Michael and Raphael. They are like the leaders of all angels, also known as the High council. There were originally 5 angels but one of them fell, becoming the leader of the underworld. The 4 angels are the most powerful, and that's why even when I lost my wings, I still had part of my angelic power.
He also told me stories about us when we were little. How when he turned 8 he learned how to fly-mostly- and i wanted to fly too so he tried lifting me up into the air with him but he couldn't and we ended up falling, landing on the soft grass.
He told me how one time I got in trouble because my mom was in a meeting and I came in and interrupted them. She scolded me and I ran outside crying. Raz found me and cheered me up.
After he showed me around the building, we walked outside. It's always light in heaven, just like it's always dark in hell. "Each angel gets a special ability,"
Yeah, I know. Damen told me, I couldn't say that though.
"Mine is the ability to move objects with my mind. Watch,"
My necklace started to lift up and I tried to grab it as it slid over my head and into the air. "Give it back!" He held it above my reach. He wasn't actually holding it, though. both his hands were at his sides. "You always said that, too. Your mom gave you that necklace when you were like one. I always took it and you would get mad. I thought it was funny. One time you told on me and I had to sit in a corner. But you felt bad for tattling and sat with me,"
"Well will you give it back now? Or should I tattle on you again?" Raz was starting to get on my nerves. I wish someone else would come.
He laughed and my necklace floated back around my neck. "What was my power?"
"I don't know, you didn't find out yet."
"When do you find out?"
"Everyone's different. I found out when I was 7. You can find out as late as 12 sometimes. Or as early as 3. But that's not as likely."

After we walked for a little bit, we went back inside and my mom came back to greet me. "I think I'm going to go soon," I told her.
"Go where?" She asked.
"Back to earth,"
"Oh your not leaving here, honey. I'm never going to let you leave ever again, your way too precious to risk losing a second time,"
"But I want to go home," I pleaded.
"This is your home, Lena. And your staying."

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