Chapter 2

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It's Monday morning and I'm standing at the bus stop. The wind is blowing in my face and my hair is a disaster. I pull up the hood on my black hoodie I'm wearing. Sadly, Nancy doesn't go on this bus, so I try to sit alone. As the bus rolls up, me and the other kids pile in. When the bus starts driving I let my mind wonder.

It's going to be my 17th birthday soon. However I don't really know  when my actual birthday is, or my age. The doctors said I was around 4 when it happened.
The story, from what I heard, is that I was found in an alley way and was in a coma. I was bleeding. A lot. My back was torn, and the doctors said it was a miracle that my spine wasn't affected at all. No one knows what caused it, or how it happened. But it seemed like magic that in just a day, I was fully healed, except for two scars on my upper back. I hate those scars. I can never wear a bikini or any top that reveals them. They are too hideous to look at. Once I was out of the coma, most family's didn't want me she's a freak, they said, she's too pale, they said. Eventually my foster dad was looking for a child. This was before he went on so many business trips, and adopted me. He gave me the love and nurturing I needed, until money got tight he started leaving more and more, while I stayed with Selene.

The bus stopped and I hopped out, heading to the school doors. My first class is math. Nancy isn't here either, she is only in my Science and arts class. As I walk in I notice someone sitting in my usual empty spot at the back. I don't recognize him. It must be the new kid Nancy was talking about, I thought. So I awkwardly went in the seat next to him as the teacher, Mr. Wills, walked in.

"Good morning, class. Today we have a new student. Will you stand and indroduce yourself?" Mr.Wills was looking at the kid beside me. Since everyone turned around to look, I was, by default, right next to the center of attention, which I do not like. The new boy stood up. He had jet-black hair, and pale skin, almost as pale as mine. 

"hey. I'm Damen. From Germany. I'm 17 years old," Damen said. He looked confident, but he didn't put much emotion into his voice. "Nice to meet you Damen. You can sit down now". As Damen sat, Mr.Wills started the math lesson. 

As I opened my text book, I realized Damen kept glancing at me. I tried to ignore him. As I was writing in my notebook, he asked, "can I borrow a pencil?" It was a simple question, but I couldn't answer. When I looked over at him I saw blue eyes. Not just blue, the exact shade of blue as mine.

 "Um, if not, that's okay," I snapped out of it and realized I was gawking at him. I was probably blushing as I looked through my pencil case. "Yeah, I do. Here." I handed him the pencil and looked away.

One slow class later, I was walking to my next subject, science. Nancy would be there. I sat down beside her. "Oh have you seen the new guy yet?" Said Nancy. "Actually yeah, he sat beside me in math class," I whispered. "Oh my goodness!" Nancy practically screamed. "Shhhhhhh!" Some kids turned to look at us. Even though she lowered her voice to a whisper, I could hear her excitement. "Was he as hot as I've heard he is?"
"Um, I guess so," I replied. "You guess? It's a yes or no question!"
"Fine. He is, okay? Let's stop talking about Damen now"
She looked at me. "His name is Damen? Like A Demon? If we become a couple his nickname will totally be Demon. Hehe!" I sighed. I shouldn't have said anything. When Nancy likes someone, she becomes obsessed. Luckily, the teacher, Ms. Robin, came in. She is very strict, so when she comes in, the chatter in the class goes out.

I was on my way home when I remembered that Selene had expected me to get the groceries. To avoid that argument, I turned around and headed to the store. I took out the crumpled list that she had given me and started collecting the items. Some items are easy, like cereal, and sugar, but most of the list includes stuff like 'low fat almond milk- the medium sized carton. (Make sure the date is at least a week away!)  so as I'm checking the date on one of the cartons, I feel someone's eyes on me. I turn around to see Damen, who also just happened to go grocery shopping at the same store and same time as me. Well then. I put the milk in my basket and start walking the opposite direction. "Your that girl who lent me a pencil in class, right?" He strolled up beside me casually like we had known each other for a long time.  

"um, yes," 

"I never even asked you your name," 


"Hana," He echoed. "Cool." He started to walk away. Who starts a conversation and just walks away?

"Wait," he turned around. I wanted to slap myself. What am I thinking?

 "What is it?" He was looking at me. 

" Never mind," I practically ran away. Flooded with embarrassment, I stood in line waiting to cash out. As I was grabbing some chocolate bars at one of the stands near the cash, I saw a piece of paper land in my basket. I grabbed it and unfolded it.

If you ever need someone to talk to, here's my number

I looked around and couldn't see him anywhere. Why did he give me his number? Maybe he does that to all the girls who lend him pencils. Nothing special about me, right? If Nancy finds out, she will probably be jealous. I'll keep this to myself for now, I thought. When it was my turn, I put the paper safely in my pocket and cashed out.

When I walk in I go to the kitchen to put the groceries away. "Did you get everything correctly?" Selene came in and examined some of the items like they were a science experiment. "This isn't gluten free. It's low fat." She showed me the milk. 

"But on the list you wrote low fat," sometimes, I wonder is she does this just for an excuse to have an argument. 

"I know what I wrote. Give me the list." I reached into my pocket to get the list and got the wrong paper. Before I could put it back, Selene yanked it out of my hand and read it. "Oh, a phone number. Looks important" she ripped the paper in small pieces while smiling, and left the room. No! I gathered all the pieces and ran up to my room.

Selene's goal is to make my life miserable. But I already knew that. I tried putting it back together but it was hopeless. Oh, well. It's not like I had wanted to call Damen in the first place...right?

As I got into bed and drifted to sleep, I realized how exited I got when I saw the note he gave me, and how much I would have wanted to call him. Wait a second, I never call boys, nor do I want to. Why is he different?

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