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Asia's POV

Me: Move August *sighs* Angel you better get your daddy

He kept poking my but

Angel: Dad she said stop so pleaseee stop

Aug: Girl you pose to be on my side not hers

Angel: But mom said I came out of her not you

Me: * laughs* What y'all wanna do today

Aug: Sleep

Me: That's all you do when your not-


August was holding his chest and was reaching for a gun but stopped when he noticed it was just her

Aug: Ari what I tell you about that

Angel: Hi !!

This is the only time when she's nice

Ari: Sorry August HI!!

They hugged and she gave us an invitation to her party

Ari: See y'all then

Knuck: Wassup FAM

Aug: Wassup man

Me: Hey ... Angel let's go get you ready so you can ride with them

I gave her a camo last kings shirt black leggings and timberlands and a bow to match with her timberlands

Angel: Ma can you give me a pony tail

Me: Sure

After I was finished she left with them

Aug: Babe can we make another baby

Me: What? August -

Aug: What you don't wanna have anymore of my kids

Me: *laughs* I didn't say that

Aug: It's just all my kids growing on me I just want a baby that will not grow

Me: Awww .... Well you could've had that last night but you didn't want it

He laughed and walked out

Malak's POV

Marie: Daddy pease !!!

This child was on the floor holding onto Nicole naked cause she didn't wanna get in the tub

Me: Girl bring ya but on I'm not playing

Marie: Mommy tell him no

N: Sorry boo boo but you don't wanna be dirty

Marie: I not dirty

I picked her up and took her towards the water

Marie: *sighs* Pwut me in alweady

I laughed and put her in

She just sat in the bubbles with a pout

Me: You still love me

Marie: Yesh I till love you daddy

Me: *kisses her cheek* Good

My phone started ringing it said "Bitch"


Me: What now Jaden

Jaden: I moved today

Me: Fr where

Jaden: In Canada


Jaden: I give up bruh ... Nyla don't wanna see me it's embarrassing

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