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Mel: You can't keep getting yourself in these type of situations

Me: I don't know what to do man

Mel: Don't give up ... You leaving in a few weeks you not ready yet

Me: Dang ! But ok

Continuing (Enjoy!)


I was so worried about August but I know he would want me to focus on the kids then him

Angel: Ma ?

Me: Hey I thought you was sleep

Angel: I was but I miss my daddy

She started crying and I grabbed her

Me: Stop crying you know Aug don't like it when you cry

Angel: But I miss him so much h-he didn't even get to see my walk

Me: Look he's gonna wake up ok he's not dead

Angel: But Don told me he was dead

Me: And when did he tell you this

Angel: When we left the hospital he was standing with the crowd and he mouthed it to me

Me: He's lying don't even pay him any attention I'm gonna protect you ...cmon lay down with me

She smiled weakly and laid in my arms


I sighed hard and looked down at them then looked at myself while doctors were around me getting bullets out of me

These weeks need to hurry and be over I miss my family

Mel: You gotta be patient Aug let yourself heal

I nodded and he sat next to me

Mel: But you here wit me tell me how life been

Me: Everything's been good like perfect until I started to get blamed for your death

Mel: Well at least I know you didn't do it

We talked more and I looked down and seen Asia and Angel sleeping

Weeks Later


So today was the day that we were going back to N.O to check on August

I waited for Nyla and Malak to arrive and for Angel to get done getting dressed

The front door opened and Malak walked in while Nyla walked in behind him

Ny: I'll go help Angel

Moments Later

We were all heading to the limo until

Aug: Where y'all heading

I noticed it was August he was on crutches leaning against the door smiling

Angel: DAD!?

All of them took off towards him and I stood there thinking



LAWD HE'S SO .....


Aug: So my lovely wife just gon stand there and think about her handsome husband all day

I ran towards him and hugged him

Meanwhile they were being watched by Melvin and Don .

The end ....

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