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Jaden: So how we gonna do this

Me: I'll talk to one you talk to one

Jaden: Alright now let me get some

Me: Some of what ?

He picked me up and carried me upstairs


Weeks Later

So after getting Blake and Nina's date set up for weeks we FINALLY got it done

Nina: So who's the guy

Me: You'll meet him let's go

We walked in the fancy restaurant and I took her to the table where Blake was and he stood up and helped her in the chair


She's beautiful and all but hopefully she's wife material and not full of herself

When Jaden and Nyla left I started a conversation with the girl

Me: Soooo ... what's your name

Nina: I'm Nina ... You ???

Me: Blake I'm Blake so uhm what do you like

Nina: I like to hang

Me: That's nice

I guess?

I pulled out the menus and gave her one

Once we got finished with our orders I noticed that she was on her phone 😾 for some reason I started to get upset that's rude ash you really don't suppose to do that shit

Me: I'll leave

Once my food come

Nina: Why

Me: You want somebody to love but you ain't paying me any attention I can be that dude

The waitress came with our drinks and food and i handed the waitress some money and started to head out

Nina: WAIT don't leave let's have our date

Me: *sighs*

Nina: I'm sorry

I sat back down and started eating

Nina: How's the food Blake

Me: It's good or whatever now let's get to know each other you first

Nina: Well I'm Nina Gorsia I'm 20 years old I work at footlocker but trying to find a better job I'm independent I moved here from Chicago a couple of months ago and ..... Yeah

Nina Gorsia ?!

She sounded a little familiar

Me: Well we got something in common

Nina: What is it

Me: I'm independent and I moved from Chicago a year ago after my ex cheated on me

Nina: Oh well you sound a little familiar to

Me: Don't tell me you my old Nina

A tear rolled down her face

Me: Wow ! So you basically following me

Nina: I wanted to explain you know I wouldn't do that on purpose

I sat there thinking if I should stay or should I just leave

I looked in her eyes and remembered all the things we did all we had was love, I swear she was the one I wanted to marry but everybody kept telling me that she was cheating with Rod and I didn't want to believe it because all I did was love her until my mother called me and I seen it all for myself

I stood up and left with her right behind me

All I heard was her saying that he made her do it but I'm not going back with an old girlfriend

I wanna continue to make my mama smile my dad was killed by Rod and she knew it

She grabbed my hand and cried into my chest


All I want him to do is let me explain

He pushed me away and left just like that

Moments later

After I finally got to my car I left and went to my house


Rod: I killed his father and I'll kill him to

He continued choking me until he let me go

All I did was fear him

Me: Your a k-killer i won't cheat on him for you

Next day

I got a phone call from his mother saying that Blake was in the hospital he was in a car accident i instantly knew that Rod did something

I rushed to the hospital to see him

Week later

Rod told me to meet him at a hotel but I was with Blake he had a broken leg and just wanted to stay by his side but when he told me that he would shoot him until he dies I had to leave

Me: Blake I gotta go

Blake: Where ? You suppose to stay with me

Me: I promise I'll be back

He sighed and before he can say it I said it first

Me: I love you

He said it back

I kissed him and left but made sure he had everything he will need

I got in the car and left but I took my time getting there I didn't want to be here with him I wanna be at home with Blake

Month later

I was told to meet Rod at a restaurant and for the 1000th time I told Blake I had to go and it seemed like he didn't care about me leaving anymore because people caught me and I was guilty

Moments later

At the restaurant I noticed that Blake's mom was here with a friend but didn't notice me

Rod: Can I tell you something

I shrugged my shoulders

Rod: I love you so much

I ignored him and heard Blake's voice

Blake: Go ahead and say it back !

I felt my heart drop and tears rolled down my face

Blake: SO THIS IS WHAT YOU BEEN UP TO ALL THE TIME! You c-cheating on me all I do is love you and this is what you pay me back with

I stood up and left I was so embarrassed

He grabbed me and slammed me onto my car

Blake: You wanna cheat

He wrapped his arms around my neck but seen what he was doing but he let me go and left

Flashback over

I cried myself to sleep until Nyla texted me

Nyla😍: You got A LOT of explaining to do 😡!

Next day


Today is the day that Angel have her first fashion show and I'm ready to see li baby walk she been walking through the house in some costumes and she been stressing about today she to little to be stressing it's all about seeing her have fun !

Stay Tuned ! 🤗

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