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Today I'm taking Nyla away from Jaden because we ain't always together so we going to a basketball gym not any basketball gym we meeting her favorite team ( GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS 😩🏀💙💛 that's my team) and players such as Stephen Curry , Klay Thompson , and Draymond Green .

We gon get sweaty and after that we gon eat and chill

I pulled up to her house and knocked on the door and guess who opened it mf Jaden

Me: Where's my daughter ? And why don't you have on a shirt

Nyla: I'm here hi dad

She kissed my cheek and I kissed her forehead and smirked at Jaden

Me: Alright you ready

Nyla: Yep

I walked towards the car and opened the door for her but she was kissing HIM

Me: When you talk to me about marrying her I'll say no

They laughed and she ran towards the car

Jaden: Have fun

Moments Later


Me: I like how these turned out look at y'all smiles

Marie: Im pretty

Me: Right

Marie: Mommy is beautiful

Me: Agreed

Nicole: Thanks y'all hungry I feel like making something


Nicole: Well come on

She grabbed the both of us and brought us in the kitchen

She handed us aprons and hats and took out some ingredients


Ok so we pulled up to DUB NATION gym and I knew this was it

Me: Don't tell me my dream is about to happen

Aug: Let's go

I took a deep breath and almost fell but it wasn't my dad who caught me

Steph: Wassup

I screamed and jumped up and down then hugged him

Me: Dad no

August: Daughter yes

I grabbed their hands and we went in the building

Me: Dad i can't believe this is happening

Klay: Well believe think fast

He threw a ball at me and I caught it

Me: Oh my god this is gonna be fun who team am I on

Green: You pick

Me: Dad?

Aug: Oh really na lets do this

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