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Jaden: I'm smiling through all of this but when I go home I don't feel right without you Nyla I love you and if I can do anything I'll do it for you just don't give up on me I love you I love you I love you !

I hugged him and led him out of the room and to my car

Me: Drive to your house

When we made it there we went upstairs to his room where it looked a little torn apart

I pushed him on the bed and let my lust for him take over me

Things happened for the first time ....



Next Morning

I woke up in bed with Jaden holding me , everything that happened yesterday flowed through my mind

I decided to get up and take a shower then make breakfast but Jaden held me tighter

Jaden: Where you think you going

He sounded so tired

I just looked at him

Jaden: What I didn't give it to you good enough ?

I laughed and kissed his cheek

Me: I'm about to take a shower and get started on breakfast you on the other need to change these sheets and covers

He laughed and got up

Me: Jaden cover up

Jaden: Sure

I went in the bathroom but Jaden's voice stopped me

Jaden: Sooo ....

Me: What

Jaden: You don't wanna um touch it one more time

Me: BOY ...

I hopped in the shower

Hour later

I was finally out

Jaden laid there on the bed sleep him and the bed looked clean

I went downstairs and pulled out some food

Moments Later

I went upstairs to get him up

He laid there with his mouth open snoring , I sat on his back and gave him a massage

Jaden: Right there babe

I kissed his ear

Me: Come on you gotta get up

He turned over and looked at me

Jaden: I love you Nyla

Me: I love you to Jaden now get up

I led him downstairs and gave him a plate we sat down and ate while watching TV

Jaden: So Nyla I wanted to know if you would come with me to my family dinner

Me: Of course when ?

Jaden: At 6

Me: OH well yeah I'll go with you babe

He leaned over the table towards me and gave me a kiss

I love him so much !


Me: Of course your fat self gonna go

Marcus: Actually I'm not going I got something planned with Summy

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