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I woke up with Nicole on top of me we both didn't have anything on last night was wild

I remembered that I had work today so I shook her

Nicole: Stop

I gotta go through this every morning bruh

Me: Babe I got work

She flipped off of me and laid on the other side of the bed

Nicole: Malak can you pick up Marie

Me: Yeah

After getting ready

Nicole: Here

She handed me some breakfast

Malak: iight love you

Nicole: Love you to

She kissed me then I left to go pick up Marie

At August and Asia's House

Marie: Bye Gam paw

Aug: See y'all later

I helped her into the car and I went to work

Marie: Where we going daddy

Me: To work

Marie: : But I'm too little

Me: But you gon be there wit me

Marie: Tay

At Work

Me: Ok just follow me everywhere I go love

Today is my turn to babysit her so ion care what the people say

Customer: Aww she's so cute I'll pay 300 for her

Marie: I'm not a toy old man

Me: Nigga you better back away from my daughter

I grabbed her hand and went along with that

Lunch break

Marie: I want some ticken nuggets wit fries and a tool aid slush

Person: Ma'am

Me: She wants chicken nuggets and fries with y'all new kool aid slushy

Person: Ok sorry about that ... Is that all

Me: Yep

Marie gave her some money out of her wallet I bought her

I told her I was gon pay but she said she gon be mad at me forever so ...

Me: You think you grown now

Marie: Nope I just make my own money by keeping my room clean and gam paw August gave me money for eating veggies

Me: Yay

I gave her a high five and I grabbed her food and went to a table

When she started eating I got a face time call from Nicole

Me: Wassup baby

Nicole: Where's my daughter

She looked upset

Me: Babe what's wrong

Nicole: Bring my child home and were done

She just hung up on me

Me: It's time to go love I'll hold your food

Marie: Tay

I packed her food up and held her

Jasmine: Hi Malak

I forgot that she work in footlocker to

I looked at her weird and spoke back

Me: Wassup

After that I just walked off

That was dumb

At Home

When I parked Nicole was putting their suit cases in her trunk then she came and took Marie from me

Me: Babe why you so upset I didn't do nothing

I grabbed Marie back

Nicole: Just give me my daughter and we'll leave

Me: I'm so confused

Nicole: Well I'm not so give me her so we can go I don't have time for this

Then I got mad




Nicole: I'm done just give me her

Me: No cause you making up stuff I ain't got time for this

Marie: Pwease stawp yelling at each other

Me: Go inside baby girl

She got down and went inside

Jasmine: Since Jaden don't want me I want you

Nicole: Pause hoe

Me: See what I mean now go get them suit cases and take a nap before I get that belt

She pouted and did what I said

Me: And for you ... Go do some wit yah life

She reached for me but I went inside and closed the door I swear these girls be acting up

Marie: I sleepy daddy

I picked her up and laid her down in her room

Me: Now you see what real jobs are

Marie: Yesh it's so much work *yawns* daddy

Me: Go to sleep Mooney

She just closed her eyes and you can hear her slight snores

I kissed her for head and went to my room and saw Nicole watching TV like nothing happened

Me: What was that

N: I'm sorry

Me: You don't trust me

N: I do .. I'm just .. You know .. Scared that some girl will tear us apart and I don't want that

A tear slipped down her face and I kissed her cheek

Me: These girls ain't got nothing on you I promise .. This ring here means something to me and I don't like that you think that I'll leave you for a quick nut

She hugged me and I let go of her

Me: Let me shower babe I'm stank and you know it

Nicole: Bye Malak

I laughed and took a shower after that I checked on Marie and laid with Nicole

Stay Tuned ...

I feel like this story is more about Malak and Nicole ..

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