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I was sleep then somebody knocked on my door more like banging and I'm not scared to tell nobody to not bang on my door

I put on my house shoes and went to open my door

This girl stood there

Me: Bitch don't bang on my fuckin door like that no more fuck you want

??: I'm Nylie-

Me: Hell naw I don't know Jaden

Jacob: Babe who's at the do- Oh who's this

Nylie: Where's your brother?

Jacob: I'm the only child who you

Nylie: You know exactly who I a-

I slammed the door in her face and looked at him

Me: Y'all fuckin

He bursted out laughing but I was to serious

Jacob: No Royalty your the only girl I make love to

He kissed my for head

Me: Better be

My phone started ringing and it said


Me: What can I do for you Malak

Malak: Can you tell your dad to come meet Marie

Marie: Chwis Bwown isn't her daddy daddy

Malak: How much you wanna bet

Marie: Noting just get him over here so he can sing my cavities away

Malak: You heard that

Me: *laughs* I'll see what I can do

Malak: iight thanks- MARIE GET DOWN

He hung up and I turned to Jacob

Me: When you going home sir

Jacob: We share both of our houses

Me: I never agreed with that

Jacob: You did last night

Me: Shut up

Marcus: Ay Royal you gotta get that girl she won't leave me alone

I looked outside and saw this girl coming out she had her shirt off

Me: You better call the police

Marcus: I don't wanna do it but I'm bout to fight her like she a nigga

He went outside


I went towards my house and she stood there biting her lip

Me: Ay look I know I'm sexy and all but you need a chill pill

Girl: How about you give me one

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out then I kicked her and she left saying

Girl: You know you want me it's ok tho

I flicked her off and I locked all my doors


Me: Nyla you making me feel some type of way

Ny: I got some lotion baby

Me: Stop playing man

I got on top of her and kissed her of course she kissed me back

Then somebody knocked on her door

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