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Nicole: Babe can we take Marie out

Me: Where should we take her

Marie: Tukie Teese

Me: You sure

Marie: Yesh I go gwet weady

She ran upstairs

Nicole: I'll go help her

Me: No I'll do it

I held her in my arms

Me: I love you Nicole

N: I love you to

Me: Now you go get yourself ready and I'll help Mooney

I kissed her and laughed when she walked off blushing

In Marie's Room

Marie: Daddy I can't fwind noting to wear

Me: That's why I'm here baby girl now let's look together

I pulled out a black and white Nike shirt with white pants then I pulled her black and white huaraches out

Me: How about this

She was steady pulling out little girly dresses

Marie: But daddy this what boy wear

I picked her up and helped her get dressed

Me: What you think love

She looked at herself for a minute then did a pose with kissy lips saying

Marie: Swag!

I laughed and took her to Nicole so I can get dressed


We laughed

Me: You be around Nyla to much

She had on this black and white shirt that said Tokyo some black pants and black and white huaraches

Me: I guess I might as well put on some black and white huaraches here hold her while I go get ready

She laughed and took Marie while smacking my but when I was walking out

Me: Man quit with that gay sh-

Marie: You bwetter not peak such word

I zipped my lips and found me something to wear

I pulled out this shirt I got made it was a picture of Nicole and Marie I had it in black and white it was dope I put on these white pants and of course the black and white huaraches I didn't want a pair but Nicole made me get them

Me: I'm ready

Nicole: I'm gonna get us to the car by the way that's cute

I bit my lip and fanned her off

Marie: Is thwat me

She pointed at the shirt but she was a newborn at the time

Me: Yep and you were so cute

Marie: Were? Daddy what you trynna say

I laughed and took her

Me: Your still cute baby

Marie: You saying that cause me look like you

Me: Girrrllll

I put her in the car seat and gave her a pacifier

Nicole: Maurice she's too big for that

Me: Uh uhhh she still my lil baby ... like you

She blushed and got on her phone

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