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I finally got off stage and made it backstage

Asia came up to me and hugged me

Asia: That was amazing August you did great

I smiled

Me: Thank you babe

Asia: Go get changed I'll go get you something to drink

Me: ok

I went back into my dressing room and took off my shirt and changed

Moments Later

Malak: Dad you did good like fr you did

He looked a little off

Me: Son you ok

Malak: Yeah I'm just not use to being so far away from Marie I been through it wit Nicole but I miss them

Me: Oh well we ain't gon be up here forever

Malak: Dad I know that we said that we wasn't gon bring it back up but we passed by this familiar grave yard

I looked at him

Malak: Was I in it

Me: Uh yeah

That day when we went to go visit his grave we flew to Nola to see him he was three graves down from Mel

He shook his head in understanding

Malak: I wanna go in it before we leave

For some reason they still have his gravesite sitting there

Malak: Dad I feel like if they move my grave site then ima be dead again

Asia: Malak? Let's not talk about that

He was right if they do move it then he'll probably die again

Moments Later

We was all heading out to the next room where they was having the meet and greet at
Nyla: DAD !

I turned around and saw her with this light skinned girl

Me: There you go who's your friend

Ny: Dad this is Moni she was standing out by herself when I went to go use the bathroom

Me: Wassup Moni

For some reason she looked shy

But I don't do that shy stuff when a fan meet me we become best friends

I wrapped my arm around her neck and she smiled a little

We all got on the elevator

Me: Again wassup Mo

Moni: H-hi August

I laughed and we all got off the elevator and made it to the room it was packed

I let Moni stay with Nyla and I went on the stage and sat there waving at the crowd

They started screaming I smiled and let the game began

Some girl came up they handed her a album and she came towards me I talked to her and let her off the stage

She was squealing and I chuckled

Moments Later

It's been an hour later and it was still packed a little

They let this girl up and she smiled

The New Girl 3Where stories live. Discover now