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I woke up in my bed dizzy

I looked around and seen my dad sitting in a chair next to the table

Aug: You up ?

Me: Nahh I'm still sleep

Aug: Oh

We sat there in silence

Then a knock was on the door

My dad kissed my for head and opened it

Malak: You ok sis ?

Me: Yes bro

He shook his head and him and dad sat on both of my sides and started questioning me

Aug: What made you do it ?

Malak: Jaden already told me

Dad head stood up quick


I heard footsteps coming up slowly

Great! The last person I wanted to see shows up ! With shades on his face

He looked at me and instantly broke down

Jaden: Babe forgive me I'm so sorry

Malak: Bitch! .... (points at chair) The chair

Jaden sat down and didn't take his wet eyes off of me his face was literally red

Aug: Explain!

Me: Right!

Jaden: I was watching The Alsina's and Nyla was being interviewed they asked her about me and what she said was fucked up

Aug: What did she say

Malak: look interested in the conversation

Jaden: She said how I wasn't important and she was gon leave me cause I'm not special to her ... confused the fuck outta me cause I was a good boyfriend to her arguing we barely did that-

Malak: Why'd you black out NY

Me: You said you already knew about this anyways he made love to his new girlfriend

His head snapped from the floor and to me

Dad was scratching his fist cause he wanted to punch something

Me: And it was sent to my phone

Malak: You used a condom

Guilt was written all over his face

Jaden: If she's pregnant it ain't mines

I broke down

Me: Jaden leave now !

Jaden: Please let me explain

Me: Why when you broke up with me just go

He came to the bed and kissed me

Malak took him out of the house

Aug: It's over for his ass ! Baby girl it's ok we'll get through this with you

He walked out

Aug: Love you

Me: Love you to dad

He left and I got a phone call

It was unknown so I declined it

Noah (Nathaniel's other son)

So I'm at home sleep thinking about this girl being pregnant with my child and I get a phone call from my dad




What happened !?

Nathaniel: Your brother and cousin got in a car accident

Oh wow ! Im on my way

At hospital

I was sitting in the waiting room while my dad was pacing back and forth

Me: This crazy man Karma's a bitch dad they was bothering them Alsina's and this happened to them

He shook his head then a doctor came up to us

Nathaniel: How are they

Doctor: Well for Nyliena (her real name) she's not looking to good sorry to say it but she might not make it and for Nick he's up and he's ok because his side of the car didn't get much damage but he is suffering from a headache

Me: Can we see him

The doctor nodded his head and gave us the room number

When we walked in he looked at us with hurt all over his face

Nathaniel: You good son ?

Nick: Yeah

He sounded like a hoarse

Me: Busy messing up relationships right ?

He shook his head

Me: You know Nyliena bout to die right

His eyes went big

Me: Yeah but she got dicked down right-

Nathaniel: ENOUGH

Me: I got a girl pregnant dad

Nathaniel: What ?

Me: Yeah you about to have a grand son

Nathaniel: What got into y'all


Nick: That's Nylie's room !

I ran out following the doctors with my dad behind me

We ran in before them and she was sitting there shaking with a pen and paper in her hands

They pushed us out of the room and we didn't know what to do honestly

Nathaniel: I'll call her mom and my brother


Me: King !

King: Yes mommy ?

Me: Did you clean your room

He shook his head no

Me: Well you need to go get that done we have dinner with grandma

King: Tay

He ran off and I got a text message from Nathaniel

Message: Nyliena died !

What !?


I feel bad bruh and no matter how hard it is im getting baby back

Stay Tuned ...

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