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After everyone exited the building everybody went outside where we had people decorate and cook food people started digging in and dancing

I promise y'all... today was the second best day of my life if y'all are confused just know that my first best day of my life is when Marie came into this world *smirks* everybody was having a good time and I loved it

I was dancing on Nicole while she cut the cake

Marie: Daddy can't dance

Me: Oh really

Marie: That's what I said *giggles*

I picked her up and kissed her all over her face

Me: You want some cake love

She nodded her head then I helped Nicole give it out

Moments Later

Me: I love you

Nicole: Aww I love you to

I spun her around and pulled her into me

She put her face in my neck and held me


First I wanna say thank you all for reading ... And I'm about to start a new book this time I'm not deleting it but somebody asked if Malak and Nicole where to young -no- people in their 20s are allowed to do what they want right??

Stay Tuned ...

Get ready for the new book

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