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Nina: What do I have to do to get you to realize that I just wanna be friends I don't know anybody here

Me: Nothing just be a lady and be about your business

She looked irritated and walked off





Once again I'm getting blamed for somebody's death

Me: Look man ion give a damn ion know how Don died its crazy how y'all always blaming me for their death

Judge: I'm not blaming you but his parents requested that we question you let's get started

I sighed and took a seat

Judge: So we let go of the case for his brother Derek because it was self defense and he was about to kill a child

Me: Right

Judge: While you and your mom and brother was at the funeral Don put you in the hospital

Me: Well when you put it like that I seem like a pussy

Judge: Ok .... But did you kill Don because he almost killed you

Me: When did he die

Judge: January 1st

Me: That's the day I got home and I'm on crutches what I'm doing killing somebody when I can't even walk

Judge: Look-

Me: Y'all don't even have evidence

Judge: And we have polices on the scene they are looking at cameras

Me: Tell me the story man why didn't y'all been do all this

Judge: He was found dead on the side of the road that was a few blocks away from your house

Me: Man-

Police: We got evidence

Judge: Talk to me

Police: On these cameras it shows how Don was watching August family and while he walked off he was hit by a truck

Me: Can I leave

Judge: Your dismissed

I got up and walked out with security around me then of course there's paps

Paps: August you a murderer now

Paps: August over here

Paps: August what's happening now

Paps: When's your next album

I ignored them and got into the car heading home

Moments Later


So I just got off of work and I'm heading to the Atlanta Plaza (made up) they have a nail shop, Food courts, clothes shops, and everything else that's fun but me and Royalty are gonna hang

I pulled up and got a phone call from Jaden

Me: Hello ?

Jaden: Where are you

Me: I told you already I'm with Royalty at the Plaza

Jaden: Oh you told me that

Me: Bye Jaden

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