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So today was Halloween and since most of these kids didn't have school they were out trick or treating

Marie: Daddy somebody beating on the door

I opened the door and some kids stood there

Kids: Trick or Treat!

I gave them some candy bags that we made

I closed the door and Marie stood there with a mean mug on her face

Me: What's wrong

I pinched her cheeks and she sighed

Marie: I wanna go trick or treating

Me: Speaking of that mommy suppose to be getting you ready Auntie Nyla coming to get you

She pouted

Marie: You not going

Me: You want me to

Marie: Yes and mommy to

Nicole: Ok well c'mon let's go get you ready and Malak baby were the purge

Marie: Not fair I wanna be the puwge to

Nicole: See you lucky I got you something like us little one

Moments Later

I had on this suit thing with a smiling mask and a fake gun that look real

Nicole had on this white dress a mask and red heels and a fake saw

Marie didn't be the pumpkin she had on some ripped jeans and ripped shirt with fake blood and a mask she had a lil fake knife

Marie: We cute

The doorbell rung

I opened the door and Nyla stood there and jumped a little when she saw Marie

Nyla was Catwoman

Ny: Y'all fine *laughs* So y'all going to

Marie: *deep voice* YESH

We got in our car and trailed them Royalty and them was behind us

Marie: I'm ready to take somebody candy

Nicole: Lord

I laughed and kept driving then noticed that we was parked in my parents driveway

Ny: Angel riding wit you

Me: Oh ok

Minutes Later

Angel was a vampire it was dope


I laughed at her and drove off



So right now I was driving in my car with Summerella and lil brother and sister they funny asf

Me: You look good Summy

She laughed at the name I gave her

She was superwoman and she convinced me to be superman

Summer: You look good to

Skylar: I'm cute too

Me: You really are

She was a doll and Turrance was iron man

At the first house

Skylar was beating somebody door down

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