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Soft knocks where on the door I
opened it and Marie stood there with Malak behind her

Marie: GAM PAW!

She jumped on me and I caught her

Me: Hey mama how you been

Marie: Good

Me: Go on inside love

She got down and ran inside

Malak: Thanks dad

Me: Mhm and good luck don't mess up either cause I know how it feels and don't want you to go through that

He put his arms out

Me: A hug?

Malak: Yes a hug I'm your son

I laughed and hugged him

Me: Go get her son

He nodded and walked off

I went inside and heard Angel

Angel: No you always wanna share I'll just get you some

Marie: Tank you t t

They went in the kitchen and Asia came downstairs

Asia: Is that my grand baby

Angel: Of course it is

Marie: Hi !


After we got dressed I helped her in the car and we left

Nicole: So where you taking me

Me: Somewhere it's a surprise

Nicole: You know I don't like surprises tell me

Me: Nope

Minutes later

I pulled into the beach and I helped her out since she had on a blind fold

Nicole: Whatever you do don't murder me babe

Me: Girl hush wit all of that

I led her to our table in the sand

Nicole: Are we at a beach

I took off her blind fold and she saw what I designed

Nicole: Malak this is nice you did this ??

Me: Yep me and Marie

Nicole: Aww that's nice ... What you got up your sleeve huh

Me: Something special

I helped her sit down and I sat down myself

I uncovered our plates and it was some food that I cooked and a cupcake made by Marie

Moments Later

Me: Nicole I got something to ask you

Nicole: What is it?

Me: You know I love you right?

Nicole: Uhm yes

I stood up and grabbed her hand I put the blind fold back on and led her to this chapel

I sat her down in a chair and instantly grew nervous

I kneeled down in front of her

Me: Take it off

She took it off and started crying and started shaking her head no

Me: Y-You won't?

My head started hurting cause I was nervous

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