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Marie: Am I ok ?

Me: Your just fine but you losing your voice

Marie: I'll stop talking and yelling so much

I laughed and kissed her forehead

Me: Let's go home

As soon as a we got here Nicole and I checked everything in the kitchen while Marie fell asleep



The camera crew was outside in the back eating lunch then Nyla walked in with Jaden trailing behind her

Nyla: We gotta talk

Me: About

Blake: Hey Mr. Alsina lunch was great

He looked at Nyla and said

Blake: Oh this is your boyfriend

Jaden: Problem ?

Me: Nope and thank you man

He nodded and headed outside

Me: What was that

Jaden: He is another Nick watch out for him

Me: Wait! He likes Nyla

Nyla: Watch him please

She walked into the kitchen to get some food

Jaden sighed and sat on the couch

Me: He gon get fired he ain't gon be here if he crazy asf

Jaden: Agreed but what you think about me and Nyla getting a house together

Me: Give it time y'all bond need to get tight again plus that's a first step

Jaden: First step ?

Me: Yeah to start a family

He smiled and I walked out to have a talk with Blake

Me: Blake?

Blake: Yes sir ?

Me: You fired man

Blake: For what man this the only good job I have

Me: You crazy for my daughter and I ain't having that last time something like this happened a girl died

Blake: Look Nyla beautiful and all but believe me I respect her relationship and I'm not here to start anything

Me: Well I'll talk to them about this how about that

Blake: Alright but I'm not like that

Me: Mhm


Today was crazy Marie got a headache and Nicole out of no where been throwing up I know she ain't pregnant because we didn't do that in a while

Marie: Daddy

I picked her up and put her head on my shoulder

She instantly fell asleep , then my phone stated ringing 'Footlocker'

Me: Hello

Boss: We need you here

Me: I can't man my girls are sick

Boss: What's more important

Me: My family of course

Boss: Look man you haven't been here in weeks ima have to let you go

Me: Do that then but I'm coming up there for my last check

I hung up on him and laid down with Marie and Nicole

Now I need to find another job

Before money gets short


Me: Bye dad

He closed the door and we left

Me: You know I gotta go right

Jaden: Yep me to

He drove me to my house and I got in my car driving to work while he went his way


??: Excuse me

Me: Yes

It was this teenaged girl who seem like she was in a rush

??: Bathroom where's the bathroom

Me: Follow me

I led her there

??: Listen if some girls come in here please don't tell them where I am

Me: Sure

I got back to work and moments later a group of girls came in and acted like they were looking for clothes but instead they were looking for that girl

??: Hey you seen a- wait your Nyla Alsina

Me: I am is there anything I can help you with

??: Autograph

Me: Sorry I got a job to do

She looked angry a little

??: Ok well have you seen a girl

Me: There are a lot of women and girls who shop in here

I walked off and she followed

??: She's short uhm brown hair

Me: Yeah ! Oh actually she was tall

I laughed and walked off

When they all left out I sighed and seen the girl coming out slowly

I minded my business and helped out some customers



Boss: Look he hasn't showed up for weeks

Me: And you left for vacation for months and we didn't complain

Boss: Why you so worried

Me: He has a wife AND daughter his daughter looks up to him they can't struggle man

Boss: His father is August Alsina for god sakes

Me: And Malak don't depend on him he's a man himself he never begs his dad for money

Boss: *sighs* Get to work Delarosa

I looked at him and walked off

Nina: Everything ok Jaden ?

Me: I got a job to do

I started stacking the shoes on the correct shelves cause people will misplace them

Nina: Look I don't like you like that I understand that you have a girlfriend

I continued to do my job and she continued talking

Nina: What do I have to do to get you to realize that I just wanna be friends I don't know anybody here

Me: Nothing just be a lady and be about your business

She looked irritated and walked off



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