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1 month later

So it's Marie's birthday and we about to turn up everything is already set up we been in the backyard all day just because she wants all of this stuff

She's 3 and she's out with Nyla and Nicole even tho Nyla wasn't in the mood Marie was gonna throw a tantrum if she didn't go

Jaden: Man this about to be turnt

Me: I know man its about to be cold tho but let's make this happen

Jaden: It's sad that Marie don't like me no more

Me: Cause she don't play about her Aunt Nyla

He shook his head

Everybody started showing up then Marie ran through the door

Marie: DADDY

I picked her up and gave her kisses

Nyla walked in with bags she flipped her hair out of her face and her eyes were hazel

Tf! Her eyes are dark mf brown b!

Marie: Daddy look at tee tee eyes

Jaden acted like he didn't see her

Jaden: Hey Marie

She mugged him and he just walked off

Marie: Down daddy

I put her down and she walked behind him

I seen Nicole walking towards me

Me: Ahhhh

I picked her up and spun her around

Nicole: Babe stop I'm pregnant

Me: Your what?


Where is Royalty!!!

I was laid out on the couch thinking ....

It was so awkward here with Jaden being here

Marcus: Thinking about Jaden

Me: Nope I'm not worried about him all I'm worried about is Marie party going great

He gave me the why you lying face

Me: Boy gtfo

He sat on my stomach and started eating from his plate that he had in his hand


I walked off away from Marie and sat with August at a table

Aug: So now you wanna join me ... Put on this party hat patna cause we both sad

I grabbed one from the table and put it on

Marie: Den ?

I turned around and saw her holding a candy bag

She calls me Den instead of Jaden

Me: Huh

Marie: Here

She gave me the bag and kissed August and ran of with some friends


Nicole: I'm just playing

I sighed in relief I wanna have another kid but not right now

Nicole: What you don't want another child

Me: I didn't say that I wanna have another kid but now is not the time

She didn't say anything all she did was hug me

Royalty: I thought I told y'all that the party don't start without me

She started dancing around then Jacob joined in

King made a face at them and went to the bouncy house

Asia: Uh look at my son and daughter in law

She stood in between us and kept the conversation going


After getting my old ass off the bouncy house I took a break by sitting down

Nyla: Dad?

Me: Wassup woadie

She laughed and sat next to me then put her head on my shoulder

Nyla: You know I'm still a daddies girl right ?

Angel: Ion care I'm a mamas girl *sticks her tounge out at them*

After she walks off

Me: Anyways ion know

Ny: Well I should've listened to you dad I did leave you and got me a boyfriend

She looked sad and I hugged her

Me: It's ok you grown now

Ny: I wanna come back home

I looked at her crazy

Ny: I miss being under y'all care , I don't feel l-

Me: You are loved ... Just because you and Jaden not together don't mean your not loved

Jaden ended up coming our way but turned around when he saw Nyla

Me: Uh uh come on back

He sighed heavily and came back Nyla was on her phone ignoring his presence

I grabbed her phone from her

He sat down on the other side of me

Jaden: What?

Me: Don't what me

Nyla: I'm gonna g-

Me: Sit down ... Y'all mfs need to talk and stop frontin it's annoying if y'all ain't notice

Nyla: Well

Me: Stop getting fuckin smart before you get popped , like I said talk

I got up and started walking then I turned around and saw them looking around


They slowly looked at each other

They better


Jaden: Wassup

Me: I don't wanna talk

Jaden: That's not my problem cause I wanna talk and we are about to talk

Me: No we not

He grabbed my arm and took me in the house and went upstairs

Jaden: Talk

Me: No it's you who should be talking I didn't mess us up didn't I

Jaden: I know I messed up but cmon now people make mistakes

Me: Can't make a mistake when you put your private inside a girl

Jaden: And you right I wasn't thinking cause I was hurt when I seen that edited episode I thought it was real

For some reason a tear went down my face

Jaden: Bruh man I'm sorry

He came up to me

Me: Don't

He grabbed me anyways and hugged me

Jaden: I'm sorry ok

I shook my head and got out of his grasp and left

I know I'm ignorant but me thinking about him doing that hurts that belonged to me

Stay Tuned ....

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