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It was Blake

He put on some shades and walked off

Jaden: Who was that

Me: He's a camera man for The Alsina's

Jaden: And he's feeling you

Me: I guess so

Jaden: So now we got more crazy bitches and niggas after us

I took his wing and ate it

Me: Right



Me: Cmon let's head home

Nyla: Alright

She stood up and grabbed the to go boxes and of course I grabbed all of our bags

Nyla: Gimmie some

Me: Nope I got it

In car

Me: So you got work tomorrow

Nyla: Yep and I'm excited

Me: Ha! Just wait till you get use to it

Nyla: No I believe that I'm gonna love it there

Me: Mhm

I pulled off and drove towards her house

Me: Why we can't just move in together

Nyla: We never discussed this so I don't know

Me: Well we gotta get a house together

Nyla: Sure but not now

Me: Alright keep it in mind


Me: My mama don't like you and she likes everyone *singing*

Nina: Malak?

Me: Huh

Nina: Was that your sister

Me: Yeah why she pretty ain't it

Nicole: Who's pretty

Nina: Some girl who was with Jaden

Nicole: Nyla? Oh she is

I felt Marie pulling at my leg and I picked her up she was looking sad

Me: What's wrong

Nicole: She's sick

Me: Aww how did you get sick

Marie: It hurts

Me: What hurts

I sat her on the counter and she pulled up her shirt and pointed to her stomach

Marie: It h-hurts

She reached for me and I picked her up

Nicole: Aww

Me: I'm off in 10 minutes go do some lil shopping I'll keep her

Nicole: You sure cause she can come wit me

Me: Nuhh just go and be safe

Nicole: Alright

She gave me a lil kiss and headed out

Marie: Daddy why you always here and not home

Me: Because we got bills to pay and you gotta get fed

Marie: Ohh those are cute

She pointed at some Jordans

Me: You want them don't you

She giggled and put her head on my chest

Boss: Oh if it isn't Marie

Marie: Sup boss

She started coughing then put her head back on my cнeѕт

Boѕѕ: Ima let you off early she looks sick

Me: Alright thanks man

Boss: Anytime

I walked out and we went on a search for Nicole

She was in a girl's clothing store picking out some clothes that look like their for Marie

Me: What you doing

Nicole: Boy don't do that

I didn't even do nothing

Me: What?

Nicole: You can't just come up behind me doing that

Marie: Daddy we forgot the shoes

Me: Sure did we'll be right back

Moments Later

Marie: Thank you

I think she's losing her voice

Me: You welcome but we gotta get you to the hospital

I'm starting to become even more curious on what's going on with her

Moments Later

We all was in the car heading to the hospital and Marie was coughing like crazy

I let her window down and she sorta calmed down

Nicole: I hope she's fine


Doctor: Well Marie Alsina is fine she just losing her voice from yelling a lot

Me: What about her stomach

Doctor: She ate something that was unhealthy and old maybe you should check your refrigerator

Nicole: I will

I sighed in frustration and headed to Marie's room she was just sitting there

Marie: Am I ok ?

Me: You just fine but you losing your voice

Marie: I'll stop talking and yelling so much

I laughed and kissed her forehead

Me: Let's go home

As soon as a we got here Nicole and I checked everything in the kitchen while Marie fell asleep

Stay Tuned

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