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For some reason I felt like I was being watched I turned my head and this dark skinned dude quickly turned his head

I went and sat next to my dad and joined their conversion about vacation

Camera Captain: Well Mr.Alsina we have enough footage for today



So today I'm starting a job at THE Victoria Secret store all I gotta do is walk around and help people if they ask for it and make sure everything stays in place

I put on my black VS shirt and jeans then slid on some black heels NOT high heels this is work after I curled my hair Jaden walked in with his uniform on

Jaden: You look pretty

He kissed my cheek and played in my hair

Jaden: You better not put on makeup you don't need it

He walked out and I put my makeup kit down grabbed a PINK jacket and headed downstairs to see him putting plates out with food on it

Me: You cooked ?

He looked at me and sighed

Jaden: I don't have time for this

I laughed and started eating

Jaden: I'm leaving footlocker

Me: And going where ?

Jaden: I don't know yet but I can't be there forever

I started to get curious

Me: Tell the truth you love footlocker

Jaden: Right I do but when boss hired a female she won't leave me alone so I'm leaving that place

Me: Ohhh so it's a girl I wanna see her

Jaden: Nope we ain't gon have these problems I'm just gonna leave, we gon make our money, have babies , and be happy

I laughed and put my plate up

Jaden: I'm serious ...

I grabbed his plate and put it up then we headed out to his car NEW car that he got


Me: Hi ?

Manager: Nyla right ? I'm Kay the manager here

Me: Yes I'm Nyla and nice to meet you where do I start

Jaden: On this d-

Me: Bye babe

He kissed me and headed towards the door

Jaden: Enjoy your day love

I turned back around and Kay said

Kay: Cute ... Follow me

She led me to the back and showed me other employees, and showed me where to start

Me: Thank you so much I'll go and get started

Kay: Anytime

Moments Later


Me: $139.99

The customer gave me the money then I put the shoes in a bag and handed it to him

Me: Have a good day

He nodded and walked off

I gotta talk to boss about this 'have A good/nice day' shit that's gay to me

Nina: Hi jaden

I kept my attention on the customer in front of me

Nina: Jaden?

2 more hours and I'm out

I was about to say some mean until I heard my BABY voice

Nyla: Excuse me handsome how much are these

She had some shoes in her hand and I looked at the price and put the box down then I grabbed her pulling her over the counter

Me: I missed you

She laughed while I hugged her tight

Malak: Aye bitch let my baby sis go before she pass out

I flicked him off while he went in the back

Nina: Oh you have a girlfriend

Nyla gave me a 'Thisthatchicklook' and I nodded

Nyla: Uhm yes I'm his girlfriend

Nina: Oh well Jaden sorry for bothering you I didn't know you were taken

Me: Its cool

She sighed and walked off

Malak: Malak in the building taking over Jaden I got ya shift get out

I sighed in relief and walked out with Nyla feeling eyes on us I turned and saw Nina putting her head down

Food court

Me: You don't even need all of this man

Nyla: Should've been said it in the store

Me: Really?

She shook her head

Nyla: Well since you worn out I'll go order our food

Me: You sure .

Nyla: Yes

Me: Be careful alright

Nyla: Alright

She walked off and I looked in her bag and saw some bras

I bit my lip and put my face in some earning weird looks from people

Me: Fuck y'all lookin at


I was at a wing place holding my bag with my food in it

Lady: Order number 208

I grabbed Jaden's food and turned to walk off but bumped into somebody

??: I'm so sorry

Me: Its ok

I looked up and it was the 'darkskinneddude'

I immediately turned around but

??: You look familiar ? You an Alsina ?

Me: Uh I gotta g-

??: I'm Blake I'm apart of the camera crew for y'all show

Me: That's nice but my-

Blake: Do you mind if I asked you lunch with me right now

Me: NO - I'm trying to go back with my boyfriend

Blake: Boyfriend!? Oh I'm sorry

I walked off and went back to my table with Jaden

Me: What are you doing ?

Jaden: Something that I would love for you to do with my boxers

I popped him and gave him his food and he dug in

Jaden: Thanks babe you know me so well

He leaned over the table with his lips out I pecked them and felt eyes on us

It was Blake

He put on some shades and walked off

Jaden: Who was that

Me: He's a camera man for The Alsina's

Jaden: And he's feeling you

Me: I guess so

Jaden: So now we got more crazy bitches and niggas after us

I took his wing and ate it

Me: Right

Stay Tuned ...

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