Chapter 2

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This is dedicated to Hale4life because they were my first comment and follower for this story.

Niall's POV

I was awoken minutes later by the sound of the door flying open. A small yet curvy boy walked in, he was wearing black skinny jeans,a white shirt,and grey Toms. His hair was styled in a fringe across his forehead. "Oh shit sorry! Am I interrupting something?!" "No, I was actually just leaving. When he wakes up can you tell him I'm next door in my dorm room?" I said as I got up from the bed, gently laying Harry's head on a pillow so I didn't wake him. " yeah sure" "Thanks...uh..." "Louis" "Thank you Louis, I'm Niall by the way." "Nice to meet you, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from? I like your accent." "Thanks, I moved here from Cheshire with Harry who's sleeping over there but I'm originally from Mullingar, Ireland." "That's so cool! I'm just from boring old Doncaster, anyway nice meeting you Niall I'm sure I'll see you around." "you too" and with that I left to my room to start unpacking.

Louis' POV

It was about an hour before the curly haired boy, Harry, I think, woke up. "Hi my name's Louis Tomlinson" "I'm Harry Styles" "I know, your boyfriend told me, by the way he told me to tell you he's next door in his dorm." I watched as his eyes widened, they looked as if they were about to bulge out of his head. "Oh no no no! Niall isn't my boyfriend, he's my best mate." My cheeks turned red in embarrassment. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I just assumed because of the way he was holding you when I walked in. Oh my gosh I feel bad now you're probably not even gay, I'm sorry if I offended you..." He cut off my rambling by laughing and it was one of the most beautiful sounds I've ever heard in my life. "Louis it's alright, you didn't offend me calm down. Niall and I are just really close, you're not the first to mistake us for a couple. Anyway I have to go get my schedule, I'll see you later." I watched him walk away and I couldn't help but stare at his ass. He froze right before he walked out the door and turned around. Shit did he feel me staring at him? "Oh, just so you know, you weren't completely wrong." I was confused. "what?" "I am gay" he smirked at me and continued walking. I couldn't help but blush at his cute little smirk and his dimples. He also had the cutest curly hair and the brightest green eyes. Fuck....i think I was starting to like him and I barely knew anything about him.

Harry's POV

Louis was really cute but I doubt he was even gay and even if he was, I'm going to be blunt and just face the truth, why would he want to date a boy without a penis? I wouldn't allow myself to like him, he'll just leave like everyone else, he couldn't know my secret. I walked to the front office and received my schedule: AP Psychology, Honors Math, AP English, AP Biology, and AP Human Development. I'm a psychology major and I aspire to be a therapist that specializes in transgender children.

After getting my schedule I decided to go see what Niall was up to. He was a medical doctor major so hopefully we might have a science class together. I knocked on his door and he opened it right away, welcoming me in. Unlike my room which I only shared with Louis, I noticed there were three beds. On one was a olive-skinned boy with jet black hair, he was extremely attractive. On the other bed was a shirtless boy with huge biceps and an extremely toned body. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and a little bit of facial hair, he was also extremely good- looking. Niall definitely hit the jackpot with these two. "Harry this is Zayn" he said, pointing to the raven-haired boy. "and this is Liam" he said, pointing to the other one. They both shook my hand. "Hi I'm Harry, Niall's best mate. I'm living next door with Louis." "Nice to meet you" they both said. Niall then proceeded to push me into the bathroom "excuse us" and then he shut the door, locking it. I looked at him, confused. "What's going on mate, is there something wrong?" this is just a small filler chapter that I'm updating from my shitty phone. I won't have a set update schedule but I'll try to update at least once a week.

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now