Chapter 4

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Louis' POV

I stood in front of the mirror looking at my outfit, I wanted to go out tonight and just explore London. My outfit seemed too fancy for just going out so I started to strip down again. I stood in front of my closet wearing only my boxers, trying to find something to wear when suddenly the door opened. "Shit Lou I'm sorry I didn't know you were changing!"

I smiled at the fact that he called me Lou.

"I don't mind really, we're both boys, it's not like we have different parts." I could have swore I saw a sad look sweep across his face but he quickly replaced it with a confused look.

"But I'm gay...don't you think I'm disgusting or that I'm trying to check you out?" He still wouldn't make eye contact with me, he looked scared to.

"No of course not, why would I think that?" "All of the boys at my high school thought that, they treated me like a disease."

"I've only known you for a few hours and you're definitely not a disease. You're really cool to talk to, I like you Hazza"


"If you can call me Lou, I get to come up with a nickname for you too." He smiled.

"I like it." I pulled on a navy blue and white striped shirt, black skinny jeans, and white TOMS.

"So Haz I was on my way out to just explore London, do you want to come with me?"

Harry's POV

" you want to come with me?" My heart pounded, I know it wasn't a date and that he probably wasn't even gay but I still liked him. We could only be friends though no matter what, he can't find out.

"Sure, just let me go tell Niall I'll be out." He nodded and I walked over to my closet and pulled on a red and black checkered flannel, black skinny jeans, and black vans. I headed into the bathroom to get changed, I remembered my testosterone injection but decided to do it later. I put my hair up in a man bun and got dressed. I walked next door to Niall's. "Ni, I'm going out to explore London with Louis, I'll be back in a bit."

"Alright Harry, can you bring me back some food though?" He asked as he had his mouth stuffed with crisps.

"But...sure Ni" he just never stopped eating, I don't freaking understand where he puts it all. I walked out of our dorm.

"You ready Haz?"



Louis' POV

We pulled up to a little cafe called Big Ben's Bistro. We ordered our food and after what seemed like hours of arguing, Harry finally agreed to let me pay. We sat down with our food and I decided to try and get to know him better.

"Do you want to play 20 questions?"

"Sure, you first"

"What's your family like?"

"It's just me, my mum, and my older sister Gemma. What are you majoring in?"

"Child development, I want to be a social worker. What career do you want?"

"I'm majoring in psychology, I want to to be a pediatric therapist."

"That's really cool Haz, we might have some of the same classes."

" you have a girlfriend?"

"Nope never had one"

"Really?! Wow I'm really surprised Lou, like I'm not trying to make you think I'm checking you out or anything but, you're really attractive. I honestly can't believe you've never had a girlfriend."

I tried to stifle a laugh at how red he was getting. "I'm not surprised, considering I'm gay." I couldn't help but laugh out loud when I saw him get even redder.


Niall's POV

Liam and I were sitting in the Uni cafeteria with Zayn and his girlfriend Lauren. She was super nice and we were all starting to get to know each other better, especially Liam and I since Zayn and Lauren would go off on their own occasionally. I couldn't stop myself, I was quickly developing a crush on Liam and judging by the conversations we've had there's about a 5% chance he's even gay. So I'm pretty much hopeless. A group of jocks walked up to our table stopping in front of me, glaring at the enormous amount of food on my plate.

"Already starting on gaining the freshman 15 I see"

"More like the freshman 50, do you see his stomach?"

I could feel tears burning at the back of my eyes. Next to me I saw Liam stand up.

"FUCK OFF YOU PRICKS!" he was beyond pissed, which made his muscles tense making them seem even larger than normal. Their eyes widened and they quickly ran away.

"Thanks Li, you didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did, they were being a bunch of lying pricks, you're perfect Ni." I couldn't help but smile at his comment but the only thing I could think of was, am I really gaining weight?

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now