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Harry's POV

Even when you're at your worst, seems always seem to have a way of working out. It's been six years now since my surgery and I'm happy than ever. I gained Louis' full trust back over time and now we've been married for almost four years. Niall fully recovered and literally the minute he got out of the treatment center him and Liam eloped at a small chapel in town. They just celebrated their sixth anniversary. We lost contact with Zayn for awhile considering he never went back to Uni after that winter holiday we took. Turns out he decided to tour the world with Lauren and pursue his dream of being an artist. They're still not married but they are engaged. Louis ran into him one day about two years ago when he was out at the shops. Apparently Zayn had just returned from Italy and the reason he didn't keep in contact with anyone was he wanted to make sure he could make it as an artist first so that no one would bug him about returning to Uni. He's been close with all of us again since seeing Louis that day. He's done pretty well for himself and we all told him that we never would have discouraged him from living his dream and that we had really missed him and we were worried about his whereabouts for four years. Louis and I as well as Niall and Liam graduated from Uni. I was now working as a psychologist that specializes in transgendered children. Louis was a social worker. Liam was a firefighter and Niall was a Pediatrician.

Louis and I have two children together. They're four year old twins. We only got them about two years ago though. We originally planned on having two children with a surrogate so that our children could have at least a part of one of us but sometimes life has other plans. We also didn't plan on having kids until just this year but once we met them I knew they were meant to be part of our family. Kalani Jasmine Stylinson and Chandler Elijah Stylinson. I met Kalani first. She was a patient of mine, she was born a boy named Ashton Christopher but began transition as soon as she could talk. Their parents died a few weeks after they were born. During our sessions Kalani would tell me all about her twin brother Chandler. Then one day she said that it was her fault they weren't adopted because Chandler refused to leave her but nobody wanted her because she was "a freak." She'd also tell me how the people at her foster home treated her badly but they were nice to all the other children. That night I went home and talked to Louis about her and her brother. Louis agreed with me that we should adopt them and that it would be good for Kalani to have someone like me to help her throughout her life. Louis, being a social worker, was able to get them out of the foster home the next week once he found out that they were barely even feeding Kalani and they'd sometimes hit her. They've been with our family ever since.


"I'M COMING DADDY! I'M JUST PUTTING ON MY DRESS!" She walked down the stairs and met me by the front door.

"You look beautiful princess, did you say bye to Papa and Chandler?"

"Yeah, Chandler is jealous because I get to see uncle Niall today and he doesn't."

"Well Chandler has an appointment to get shots from uncle Niall next week so he won't be so happy to see him then."

When we finally got to the doctors we checked in and were led straight back to Niall's office.

"Well there's my favorite niece!" Kalani giggled.

"Uncle Ni, I'm your only niece."

"And that makes you my favorite." Kalani gave him a hug and then he proceeded to do the usual check up procedure.

"Ok Lani I know you don't like this part but I need to look down your pants really quick to see if everything is alright." Kalani whimpered and began to cling on to Niall's neck.

"No uncle Ni, I don't want to see it, it's not supposed to be there."

"I know baby girl, just look away ok? I promise it will be quick." Kalani looked away while Niall checked.

"Everything is good." Niall looked at me and motioned that he wanted to speak with me. Just then Liam knocked then opened the door.

"UNCLE LIAM!!!!" Kalani ran and jumped in his arms.

"Hey princess,you look so beautiful in your dress." He walked over to Niall and gave him a quick kiss.

"I got off work early and decided to stop by and see you."

"I can take my lunch break after I'm done talking to Harry. Do you mind taking Kalani for a few minutes?"

"Of course babe, come on Lani."

Niall led me into his private office.

"Harry her bottom dysphoria is really bad and she isn't even close to puberty yet. Transition for her now is just clothes and hair. Is she still seeing a therapist?"

"Well I can't really be her therapist anymore and I haven't gotten her a new one yet. I really need to Ni. I'm scared for her mental health already. The other day when I was at work Louis caught her in the bathtub with scissors and she was trying to cut her penis off. We've hid all sharp objects but I know she gets so upset everytime she uses the toilet or takes a bath."

"I know a really good therapist I could refer her to if you'd like? His name is Dr. Sheeran, he's a good friend of mine."

"Thank you so much Ni."

"Of course Harry, anything for family." I hugged him.

"Speaking of family,do you and Liam have any plans?"

"Well we've been talking and we're going to use a surrogate. We're both going to contribute."

"That's amazing Ni."

As soon as we got home Kalani ran to play with Chandler. Louis walked around the corner carrying laundry.

"Hey love how did everything go?" He put the laundry down and came to give me a kiss. I deepened it a bit before he pulled away.

"It was good. Niall is going to set up an appointment for Kalani to see a therapist, I know I've been putting it off for a little too long."

"I'm glad she's going to see a therapist again. She deserves to always be a happy little girl. She's been through so much."

"I know babe." We sat in silence for a few moments on the couch just holding each other before I spoke up.

"I never imagined my life like this, an amazing husband, kids, house,job, and friends. I expected no one would ever be able to fall in love with me."

"You're not a hard person to fall in love with Haz. You're kind, and loving, and extremely handsome. I'm happy with our life together. I love you so much." I kissed him softly.

"I love you too boo."

IT'S OVER! IT'S ACTUALLY OVER. This is the first story I've ever completed and honestly I didn't think I would since I always lose motivation but I pushed myself to actually finish it. It's been a great three months with this fic and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'll be starting a new fic in the new year or whenever I get a good idea for one. Until then, thank you so much for supporting this fic. ❤

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now