Chapter 5

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Niall's POV

I stepped off the scale looking at the numbers. 9 stone 9lbs...I don't remember weighing that much.I lifted my shirt, poking and prodding at my stomach. I could stand to lose a few stone. From now on I'll only eat two meals a day instead of like 500. Breakfast and dinner that's all I need.

There was a knock on the door and I exited the bathroom to go open it. "Harry!"

"Niall! Here's your food mate." Food. My smile dropped but I quickly corrected it without him noticing.

"Thanks Harry. How was your date?"

"It wasn't a date but it was fun. We ate at the cutest little cafe and then when walked around some of the shops."

"Sounds like a date to me" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Whatever Ni, anyway I'm exhausted so I'll come over in the morning. Night Niall"

"Night Harry" I walked back into my room to find Liam laying down reading a book. Zayn was out with Lauren and I wasn't sure when he would be back.

"Hey Li, do you want this food? Harry brought it for me but I'm not really hungry anymore." He frowned.

"Ni this isn't because of what those guys said earlier right?" It was.

"Of course not, I'm just still full from earlier." He looked at me suspiciously but took the food.

"Thanks Ni." I nodded and went to go lay down in bed when Liam spoke up.

"Do you want to watch a movie with me on my laptop?" He scooted over, making space for me on the bed.

"sure" I smiled and climbed into bed with him. I felt awkward laying there so close to Liam. I had started developing feelings for him and he didn't even know I was gay since he wasn't in the room when I announced it to Zayn. If he knew would that change everything?

Would he be disgusted by me?

Would he kick me out of his bed?

Would he change dorms and never speak to me again? "Niall?"


"You're crying love, what's wrong?" Just as he said that a tear I didn't even know I was crying fell onto my arm. I quickly wiped away my tears.

"Oh it's nothing, just the movie is getting to me."He looked at me, confused.

"Toy Story?" I should have payed more attention to the movie we were watching, I didn't say anything as my cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. Liam paused the movie, sitting up and pulling me onto his lap.

"Ni what's actually wrong?"

"I c-can't t-tell you! You'll h-hate me!" By this point I was choking on my sobs.

"Niall no, no I could never hate you, please tell me what's going on." He began to slowly rock me as he wiped my tears away. This is one of the many reasons why I was falling for him, he's just so caring.


"shh, relax love, you're going to make yourself sick." I took a deep breath, he was going to find out sooner or later, I had to prepare myself to lose him.

"I'mafraidyou'regoingtohatemeandswitchdormsbecausei'mgay!" my Irish accent coming out a lot thicker than normal. Liam gently took me off his lap, turned me around,and grabbed both of my hands. He looked me straight in the eyes but I turned, avoiding his gaze.

"You have to speak slower love"I took another deep breath, preparing myself.

"I-I'm gay Liam. I understand if you find me disgusting and want to switch rooms." The tears were pouring out and I ran into the bathroom, he hated me.


Liam's POV

I sat on my bed processing what Niall told me. How could he think I would hate him? I thought for sure he knew I liked him or at least that I was gay too. I thought the fact that I cuddled him and called him "love" would have given it away. I realized I couldn't just sit there while Ni was crying in the bathroom, thinking I hated him. I got up and walked over to the bathroom, gently knocking on the door. A few seconds later the door clicked open and I walked in seeing Niall sitting on the edge of the tub with tears streaming down his cheeks, his face all blotchy from crying. I knelt down in front of him wiping his tears. Without saying anything I led him back into our dorm room and sat him on my bed. He finally spoke up.

"Y-you dont hate me?" I put two fingers under his chin, lifting his head up so we were looking each other in the eyes. I slowly leaned in, giving him the chance to back out but he stayed put so I took that as a signal to continue. I connected our lips, not moving them in case he was uncomfortable but he began to move his lips against mine so I did the same, getting lost in the kiss. I slowly pulled away, leaning my forehead against his.

"Ni, I know this is sudden but will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course" this time he connected our lips.


Harry's POV

Louis was asleep when I entered the room, thank goodness because I needed my testosterone shit. I pulled the needle out of the bag and stabbed myself in the forearm with it, accidentally letting out a whimper, no matter how many times I did it, it still hurt. I saw Louis shoot up and look at me.

"H-Haz? Please tell me that's not what I think it is?!" I was mortified. He thought I was a drug user!. I couldn't let him believe that but I couldn't tell him the truth either so I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"It's an insulin shot, I'm diabetic." Fuck that was going to be a hard lie to keep up with.

ok so this chapter was mainly Niam ❤ but there will be a lot more Larry to come

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now