Chapter 10

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Harry's POV
"WE'RE HERE!" Niall shouted as we burst in through the front door of his cabin. Finals had come and gone which caused everybody maximum stress but now we were on holiday and we were all super excited to be able to spend this time together.

 "OI OI!" Louis shouted as he walked through the front door carrying his bags.

"Where's Zayn?" Liam asked.

 "He's outside having a smoke, he'll be in in a few minutes." Louis answered. Niall then walked to the couch, standing on it.

"Alright lads time to claim your rooms! And before any of you try anything, Liam and I have already claimed the master bedroom because this is my cabin and I can do whatever the fuck I want! Now there's one room that overlooks the lake and all the trees and the other room just overlooks the front yard." I turned to Zayn who had just walked in.

"Since you're sleeping alone I'll let you choose which room you want."

"Thanks mate but you and Lou can have the room with the view, it's more romantic and like you said, I'm sleeping alone."

"It's too bad that Lauren couldn't come with you mate." Louis told him.

"Yeah but I understand that she wanted to spend that time with her family seeing as she barely gets to see them since they live in Florida. When she comes back we're going to take a few days off from classes though and go on a trip so I'm just looking forward to that."

"Where are you going?"

"not sure yet, I think we're going to pack up and just go"

"that sounds nice, just make sure you take a load of condoms with you, wouldn't want to come back with a baby on the way." I blushed at Louis' remark even though it was aimed at Zayn.

"I'm not dumb mate, I always use a condom. Or if not I just pull out and bust on her stomach." He replied cheekily.

"Ew Zayn I don't want to know about your sex life." I grimaced while Louis just laughed and high fived Zayn.

"Alright well Haz and I are going to go settle in our room. We'll see you in two hours for lunch." It was only then that I noticed Niall and Liam had already disappeared off to their bedroom doing God knows what.

"Yeah alright, just keep it down yeah? My room is in between yours and Niam's and prefer not to hear both of you fucking while I'm stuck in my room just having a wank." Zayn then took off to his room before we could reply so Louis and I just grabbed our bags and went to ours. As soon as we got in our room Louis slammed the door by pushing me up against it. He attached his lips to my jaw, kissing all the way down my jaw line to my collar bone making me moan quietly then he attached his lips to mine while his hands went under my shirt and rubbed at my sides. He then pulled away and lead us to the bed, pushing me on it and getting on top of me. Seeing as he was only wearing sweatpants, I could feel his erection against my thigh. His hands traveled to my pants, starting to unbutton them. "N-no!" I shoved him off of me and shrank back against the headboard. Don't get me wrong, I was really aroused but it didn't feel right. I was experiencing extreme bottom dysphoria right now, I should be able to have an erection like Louis. Not only was that bothering me but  there was also the obvious...Louis would find out my secret.

"Haz are you okay love? What's wrong baby, talk to me." He said while slowly moving closer to me until he was holding me in his arms. It was at that moment that I broke down crying. I couldn't tell him the truth, what could I say? And before I could stop it, the lie flew out of my mouth like word vomit.

"I was raped when I was younger"

"Haz oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Baby I didn't know, I wasn't trying to force you, god I feel horrible." And at that I started to cry again, this time even harder, if only he knew how horrible I felt. I had crossed a line with this lie and it was going to bite me in the arse eventually.

I woke up two hours later, still in Louis' arms.

"Shit sorry Lou, I didn't mean to fall asleep, you must have been bored out of your mind."

"No Hazza it's ok, you've been through a lot today, you can go back to sleep if you want."

"No that's alright, it's lunch time anyway. I'm pretty sure everyone else is already in the dining room." He got up and held his hand out for me which I gladly took as he lead us out into the dining room.

"Is everything alright mate? I heard crying." Zayn said. Luckily Louis covered for me.

"Yeah we're alright, we were watching a movie and one of the characters was crying that's probably what you heard." We sat down at the table across from Niall and Liam while Zayn sat on the end. The oven dinged and Liam got up to get the food.

Liam's POV

I brought out everyone's plates and set them down in front of them. A murmur of"thanks" came from around the table. I sat down to join them and we all started talking and eating. For about 20 minutes I watched how Niall was cutting up his food into small pieces and pushing it around his plate but never actually eating anything. I kept letting it go, giving him the benefit of the doubt that he was just busy talking and would eventually start eating but it never happened. I slightly nudged his leg with mine until he looked at me. I leaned over and whispered to him

"Ni is everything alright? How come you're not eating?"

"I'm fine, I'm just not hungry Li. I ate a lot before we got here." Wow.. He's so set on lying his way out of eating that he forgot I've been with him all day and I know he hasn't eaten a thing. By now it's become very obvious that he has an eating disorder and I wish I knew how to help him but he's been shutting every one out lately. Whenever I ask him if he's okay he always distracts me from getting an answer by giving me a hand job or a blow job. I'm not complaining about that obviously but I really need to find out what's going on inside his head. He's extremely skinny and it's worrying. He refuses to let me see him shirtless, he's beautiful to me no matter what but now I'm just scared for his health. I decided to let the subject go for right now and just continued eating. When we were done I cleared all the empty plates except for Niall's whose was completely full. I put it in the fridge for someone else to eat later because I knew Niall wouldn't. I then followed Niall into our room set on getting answers and not letting anything distract me from it no matter how hard he tried.

okay so here's the next chapter. I wrote this while I was sitting outside in like freezing ass weather so sorry for the mistakes if there's any, I was too busy trying not to freeze to notice. Anyway thank you for 200 reads. It doesn't seem like a lot but I expected like 50 at the most so I'm pleased. ❤ next update should be sometime during the week.

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now