Chapter 19 (Actual Update)

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I know I said I wouldn't update until I got at least 500 reads and 150 votes but I got up to 470 reads and 145 votes in a day so I'm extremely happy with that. Also I wanted to update in honor of Louis' 6th birthday.(He'll always be a smol baby hedgehog and no one can convince me otherwise) Anyway here's the next chapter :) enjoy. 

Harry's POV

"HAZ ARE YOU ALMOST READY?!" I looked in the mirror and smoothed out my shirt and ran my hands through my curls one more time. Today was finally the day we could go see Niall.

"YEAH I'M COMING!" I left my room and walked down the stairs to see Louis standing at the front door. I pecked his lips before grabbing his hand and leaving the house.

When we arrived at the place I was surprised to see it looked more like a luxury hotel than a rehab center.

"Haz are you coming in or are you just going to stand there?" I took a deep breath and nodded, following Louis inside.

As I entered I saw a few patients sitting in the lounge watching the telly and it terrified me how think they were. I really hope Niall made progress. Louis squeezed my hand a little tighter and gave me a reassuring smile as we walked up to the check in desk.

"Um..Niall Horan?"

"Room 28 right down the hall." The receptionist smiled at us as we thanked her and walked away. We arrived outside Niall's door and I stopped.

"Um Lou? Is it alright if I have a minute alone with Niall?"

"Of course love go ahead." He pecked my cheek as I knocked on the door and heard a faint Irish accent say "come in." As I walked in my smile faltered but I quickly smiled again so Niall didn't notice. He did though.

"What's wrong Haz? Are you not happy to see your best mate?" He playfully joked. I smiled at him. Honestly I just expected him to be completely healthy by now, four weeks was enough time right? But he was still so skinny.

"Nothing, I just thought I left my wallet out in the waiting room but then I remembered I left it in the car." That was a pretty smooth lie.

"Haz you really need to start keeping track of your stuff." He laughed.

"I how are you doing?"

"Great, the doctors and nurses here are amazing and so is my therapist. I've put on 8lbs. In four weeks and I know that may not seem like a lot but I'm making progress and I'm just so happy. I even got to have alone time with Liam early since he visited during scheduled nap hour." He winked at me.

"Ew Ni, I don't want to know about your sex life." I still couldn't help but crack a small smile though. He was slowly but surely recovering and he was happy again.

"So how is everything going with you? Anything interesting happen since I've been gone?" I sighed, this was going to be a long story. I missed days like this where Niall and I would just sit and talk about our lives. The only difference between now and then was there was so much drama now.

"Well I'm finally getting my bottom reconstruction surgery." His face lit up.

"Harry that's great! When?"

"Tomorrow" a look of confusion spread across his face.

"What about Louis? I know the surgery has a pretty decent sized recovery period, Louis is bound to notice something is going on." Niall really had missed out on a lot.

" He knows. He knows the truth and he knows I lied about everything else. Gemma outed me. We're okay now but he was really mad at first but I had everything all wrong. He was mad I didn't tell him the truth, he didn't care that I was transgender. The only thing now is I have to earn his trust back. Things could have gone so much worse so I really got lucky. Louis is amazing, I really love him."

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now