Chapter 7

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so I lost my laptop charger and my new one just came in today so that's why I haven't been updating. But anyway I'm back. This is going to be really short though so sorry.

Harry's POV

I've been at Uni for two weeks now and it's absolutely wonderful. I found out that Niall and Liam are dating which is so cute. However, I'm starting to worry about Niall, he's still bubbly and outgoing but it seems forced and he's getting noticeably thinner. Every time I question him about it he just says he's stressed out because of school and that he's been working out a lot more lately. He seems to be eating regularly so I suppose he's telling the truth. Louis and I are currently sat on my bed watching a movie. We've become so close we usually just share a bed at night. It's obvious that I'm helplessly falling for him but I just need to remember that nothing can happen. I'm a freak. I'd rather have Louis as just a friend than lose him because what if we tried dating and he found out my secret? We're in the middle of watching American Horror Story when all of sudden he pauses it and turns to me with a serious face.

 "Harry.." the next thing I know his lips are on mine. No this can't be happening! He can't kiss me this is going to ruin everything! But his lips are so gentle and it feels so right that I can't stop myself from kissing him back. It's the most amazing feeling in the world, just Louis and I, nothing else mattered but I knew this happiness would be short-lived. I finally came to my . senses and realized I couldn't let this happen no matter how much I wanted it. I pulled away.

"Harry I..." my eyes started welling up with tears.

 "Louis I can't do this I'm sorry." I got up and ran out leaving Louis looking heart broken, I felt horrible but it was the right thing to do. I anxiously knocked on Niall's door until he opened it.

 "What's wrong Harry?" his voice sounded extremely raspy but I decided to let it go, I was too overwhelmed to question it.

 "We kissed...I like him so much...but I can't" I choked out in between sobs. Niall led me to his bed, Liam and Zayn sensed we needed privacy so they left the room.

"I'm going to keep this short and simple, you like him right?"

"a lot"

"and he likes you?"

"Well he kissed me so I think so."

"Then let it happen, you can't live life being scared. Whoever you end up with for the rest of your life will find out about your past and if they're right for you they won't judge you, who knows, that person could be Louis. But you have to try."

"Are you sure Ni?"

"Of course"

"Thank you" I hugged him and walked out of his room and back to mine and Louis'.  When I opened the door he looked like he had been crying and that just about ripped my heart in half.

"Harry I'm so.." I cut him off by kissing him, silently letting him know everything was ok.

"I like you Lou, I like you a lot, I'm just...I've had a rough past, I'm afraid of getting hurt."

"Haz, I would never hurt you. Can we give us a try? We'll take things as slow as you need to,I promise."

"Ok" and with that he kissed me again, this time being more magical than the last.

So I know that was short but hey LARRY IS TOGETHER! the next chapter will have a lot of Niall and a buildup for some HUGE Lirry drama. I'll try to update tomorrow if not then for sure by Friday. The more votes and comments I get the more motivated I am so we'll see how this goes.

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now