Chapter 15

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Louis' POV

I stormed into Harry's room, slammed the door, and turned on the light. Harry stirred in his sleep then opened his eyes.

"Louis? What are you doing? It's like 3am." I just stared at him, I'm sure my face was burning bright red in anger.

"Lou? Babe what's wrong?"

"Don't you DARE call me babe!" I growled at him.

"What the fuck made you think you could hide this from me?! That you could LIE to me?!!" His eyes widened and he jumped out of bed trying to hug me.


"Louis don't understand, I didn't think you'd even give me a chance if you knew that I'm biologically female. I've always known I was a boy though...I just didn't want this to happen, for you to hate me because I'm transgender, this is why I didn't tell you." He was crying now and my expression softened for a minute before hardening again.

"Are you fucking serious Harry?! Do you really think I'm that fucking shallow?! I'm not pissed because you're transgender, you're a boy, it's obvious you were meant to be a boy, that's not my problem. I could care less about that! I fell in love with who you were as a person, or at least who I thought you were, but the Harry i thought I knew was apparently all a lie. I don't care about what you have between your legs, my problem is that you fucking lied to me Harry! You told me you were diabetic!.....YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE RAPED! and I felt horrible for you, I was ACTUALLY raped and you were able to continue to lie to me even though you knew that happened to me and you knew how hard that was for me to get over?! You make me fucking sick. Are you lying about anything else?!"

"N-no Lou I swear."

"I can't believe anything you say anymore." I went to grab my stuff and packed it away in my bag.

"Lou where are you going? Please don't leave me." He sounded so small and broken and I almost wanted to comfort him but the part of me that was pissed at him took over.

"I'm leaving Harry, I need some time to think and I think we need to take a break. I just don't trust you anymore and I can't be with someone I can't trust.... I just need to think about us and I'll call you when I make a decision and we'll talk." Harry began sobbing and I left the house without turning back because I knew if I turned around, I'd give in to Harry. I loved him, a lot, but that didn't mean I still want to be with him. I loved him, I just wasn't sure I was still in love with him. Especially not after he lied to me, it hurt that he didn't trust me. It also made me sick that he could lie about rape, that was one of the most painful processes I've ever gone through trying to recover from it.

I took out my phone and called the only person I could think of to rely on right now.

"Louis? It's 4am, is everything alright mate?"

" Look I know this is a lot to ask Zayn but I just broke up with Harry and I don't have anywhere to stay and..." Reality caught up with me and I began sobbing.

"Louis, it's ok mate. Text me where you are, I'm coming to get you, you can stay with me,calm down Lou, it'll be ok, we can talk about everything at my house." I sniffled and nodded even though Zayn couldn't see me.

"Thanks Zee." He just brushed it off and hung up so I could text him my address.

Ok I know that was super short but that was just a small but eventful filler so you didn't have to wait too long to find out what happened next even though it was pretty predictable. I originally didn't plan on updating today but I was bored. This was supposed to be part of a longer chapter I was going to post next week but I decided just to cut it in half and post the first part today so.....yay double update today :) I already have the next chapter planned out but what do you guys want to see happen in this fic? please answer that question, the more ideas I have, the faster I update.

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now