Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

I stood there waiting for Niall to say something.

"Are you going to tell him? "What?" "Don't play dumb with me Harry, you know damn well what I'm talking about!" I did. "No I'm not." "Harry do you know how dangerous that is?! People get murdered for things like this! I think you should tell him." I started to grow more and more agitated. "SHUT THE FUCK UP NIALL! You know the whole fucking reason we're at Uni here instead of in Cheshire is because nobody knows, I can start over." I was in tears by this point.

"I can finally be just Harry, no labels, no more being known as the transgender kid and no more being called 'it.' People here refer to me as 'he' and it feels great Ni, you don't understand how amazing it is just to blend in. Standing out isn't as a great as everyone thinks. Please Niall, just don't tell anyone, let me be Harry." "Han..." Han was short for Hannah, I allowed Niall to continue calling me that because we've known each other since forever. "I didn't know you felt that strongly about this. You know I love you and I just suggested you tell Louis because I don't want him to find out and hurt you or anything. I love you so much. I don't want to see you get hurt." He said as he pulled me into his arms while I tried to calm down. "I-i k-know Ni. I l-love you too." I sniffled and took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. " I just... Louis isn't like that, I can tell. He wouldn't hurt me plus me being trans doesn't affect him in any way so I just don't feel the need to tell him, at least not yet. But I already know he doesn't judge, I told him I was gay." "You just bluntly told him you were gay?" "Well yes and no, I did bluntly just say I'm gay but it was only because he thought you were my boyfriend and I was quick to correct him but then he felt bad and thought he offended me by assuming I was gay so I told him I was gay but I just wasn't dating you."

"Why does everyone think we're dating?" "Well...we did date." "God let's not bring that up...we were 11 and awkward as fuck. we dated for a week and we didn't even hold hands. Plus now that I look back at that, I get all freaked out, like I love you but as a brother, nothing more." Niall and I dated before I transitioned. If you can even count that as dating, like he said it was for a week and after we broke up Niall came out to me as gay. It's funny how now, technically speaking, it could happen but I don't see Niall that way. "So how do you like your roommates?" "They're super nice and really cool to talk to...not to mention they're super hot. Zayn has a girlfriend on campus, her name's Lauren. I'm going to try with Liam though, I'm not sure if he's gay but I'm going to find out because I mean, look at him, why wouldn't I take a chance?" "True, just use some of your leprechaun charm on him." he slightly chuckled. "Of course, so how do you like Louis? He seems like a nice lad." "He is, he's super funny and I love how so much sass radiates from someone so small. I love his voice too, it's all high pitched and smooth. He's really cute."

"Aw you fancy him don't you?" I suddenly got serious as I felt tears coming, I tried to hold them back but before i knew it, one had slipped. "Ni you know i can't... I'm not sure if he's even gay and if he is, why would he want a freak like me. I'm technically a girl in disguise." "Hey, you stop that right now, you're a boy and you know that. Harry just because you haven't gotten the surgery yet doesn't make you any less of a boy." "It does Niall, I wish it didn't but it does and you can't deny that. No matter how I feel, when I take a shower or get undressed, I'm reminded that I'm not biologically what I should be and that's what Louis will see too. I'd rather have him as friend than try and date him and have him completely hate me." " Don't limit yourself Han, please, at least think about it." "I'll think about it but I highly doubt I'll ever even try anything." He sighs and pulls me in for another hug. " I love you, never forget that" " I know Niall, I love you too. Now don't you think we should go back out there with Zayn and Liam, we've been in here for over an hour, I'd be surprised if they didn't think we were a couple too and that we just fucked in the bathroom." I said trying trying to lighten the mood. It worked because he burst out laughing. "That's gross but ok let's go." We exited the bathroom to see Zayn staring. Liam seemed to have left the room. Zayn spoke up "Did you guys just...cause if you did I mean that's cool.." I fell on the floor laughing so hard my sides ached as I watched Niall turn bright red, I don't think he's ever been more embarrassed in his life. "No! Oh god no! Harry and I are best friends! I'm gay but he's not my type. He's like my brother." "Oh..shit sorry" Zayn said, blushing slightly. "It's alright, you're definitely not the first to think we're together." I said as I got up off the floor. "anyway I should be heading back to my dorm, I'll see you guys later. It was nice meeting you Zayn." I said as I left and headed back to my dorm, hoping Louis would be there so I could get to know him better, just as friends, nothing more. I can't like him, I won't like him.

So that chapter is just an insight on how Harry feels about everything and just a small idea of how the relationship between him and Niall is. BTW I never edit because I don't have the time or patience so if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes it's because I didn't catch it when I wrote the chapter.

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now