Chapter 8

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Louis' POV

"...and that is how people with Narcolepsy tend to get hurt." I was sat in AP Psychology listening to how disorders or something affect peoples' lives or sleep or something, ok i'm obviously not paying attention. I was thinking about Harry. I looked across the room and saw him and Niall talking to each other. I wish i could sit by him, stupid seating chart like honestly who the fuck gives a seating chart in uni? Anyway, Harry and I have been dating for about two weeks now but we still haven,t been on an official date because we've been so busy with homework but I plan on changing that. Before I knew it the class was over. Harry walked over to me with Niall.

"Hey Lou" I pecked him lightly on the lips.

"Hey Haz, Hey Ni."

"Hey i'll see you guys later." Niall said as he began to walk away.

"See you later" Harry and I simultaneously said. As soon as Niall was out of sight I linked by hand with Harry's and we began to walk back towards our dorm."So Haz?"

"Yeah" I stopped walking and grabbed both of his hands.

"Will you go on a date with me tonight?"

"Of course Lou" He pecked my lips quickly then we linked hands again continuing the walk to walk to our dorm.


Liam's POV

My final lesson of the day had just ended so I decided to go back to the room and see if Niall wanted to go do something. When I opened the door I was surprised to see that he wasn't there, however, Zayn was.

"Hey mate have you seen Niall?"

"Yeah, he went for a run, said he'd be back around half four." I looked at my phone seeing it was only half 3 so I decided to take a nap before he got back.

"Alright, thanks mate." I lay down and that's when it hit me how knackered I was, I quickly drifted off to sleep.


"LIAM!" I shot up when I heard my name being yelled. I turned to see Zayn on the floor holding Niall who was unconscious. I jumped out of bed and took Niall from Zayn, laying him on my bed and elevating his legs.


"No, just go get me a cloth and a bucket of cold water." Zayn rushed into the toilets grabbing the items and rushing back. I took them and began wiping Niall down with cold water.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, he came in the room looking a little pale and I asked him if he was alright and he said yes but then he collapsed." He probably pushed himself too hard running. His eyes slowly started to open.

"I-I want Hannah.' His voice came out quiet and raspy and he looked completely disoriented. Hannah?

"Zayn go get Harry, maybe he knows who Niall is talking about." Moments later Zayn returned with both Louis and harry.

"What's going on?! Zayn just said Niall passed out!"

"Well i was asleep when it happened but he went on a run and i guess he came back looking pale and when Zayn asked him if he was okay he passed out. he just woke up and he's asking for a girl named Hannah." I watched as Harry's face visibly paled.

"S-she's  gone." He said, just slightly above a whisper. Before i could say anything, Harry was eye level with Niall gently stroking his cheek. Louis then spoke up.

I'll go get him something to eat."

"Yeah good idea, i'll go with you." Zayn said. After they left the room I went into the toilets so Niall and Harry had a little bit of space. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but the walls were thin and Harry wasn't exactly speaking quietly.


"No Ni, Hannah doesn't exist anymore, i'm Harry. Remember me love?"

"Harry?" I then heard a loud heartbreaking sob.

"Shh. Ni you're alright love, it's okay, everything will be okay."

"Where did Hannah go?" Niall still sounded completely disoriented.

"Ni, babe, there is no Hannah anymore, i'm Harry." What does him being Harry have anything to do with the fact that Hannah is dead? I heard the door open and Louis and Zayn announce that they brought juice and biscuits. I slowly walked out as if I didn't hear anything and sat next to Niall, picking up his head and resting it in my lap. I grabbed the food from Louis and Zayn silently thanking them. I opened the biscuits and put one near Niall's mouth.

"M' not hungry Li, jus wan' sleep." I looked at Harry who gave me a look of concern.

"No Ni, babe, you have to get your blood sugar up."

"I'm Fine Li." He closed his eyes and began lightly snoring.

"Liam let me try. Can you go and get my phone out of my bag please? It's sitting on top of my bed." Harry asked.

"Yeah sure" I traded places with Harry and walked over to his room. I saw the bag on the bed just like he said so i started rummaging through it until i found his phone. Just as I was about to get up i felt a lump in the mattress and gasped at what I saw. There was a bunch of syringes and viles laying there. I grabbed one of the viles and to say I was shocked was an understatement. It all made sense now. Testosterone.


Harry's POV

Liam walked back in the room handing me my phone. "Thanks, i got him to eat and then he fell asleep." Liam just nodded but didn't look at me.

"Is everything alright?"

"Har..can i talk to you?" He still wouldn't look at me.

"Um sure"

"I'm going back to our room i'll see you in a bit." Louis kissed my cheek quickly and walked out.

"Um i'll stay here and watch Niall." Zayn offered. I just nodded and walked out with Liam. We walked in complete silence until we got to the far end of the football field where it was just the two of us. We stood silent for a few moments before Liam finally spoke up.

"Why are you lying to us?" he said as he looked off in the distance.

"W-what i'm not lying about a-anything."

"I saw the testosterone Harry or Hannah, whoever you are." That pissed me off.

"SHUT UP! THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T TELL ANYONE! I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A BOY, I WAS JUST BORN IN THE WRONG BODY. I'M TIRED OF BEING JUDGED I WAS BULLIED MY WHOLE LIFE. I JUST WANTED THINGS TO BE DIFFERENT FOR ONCE, I want to be treated like a human being.." I couldn't stop the tears from flowing and the next thing I knew Liam had wrapped me in his arms.

"Harry i'm so sorry, I was just shocked is all. You're still one of my best mates I don't see you any differently. Does anyone else know? Does Louis know?"

"Just Niall and I'd appreciate if it stays that way, i mean, i'll tell Zayn but I really don't want Louis to find out."

"Harry... I'm obviously not in charge of your life but I highly suggest if you're going to tell another person it's Lou and not Zayn. I mean I'd tell Zayn as well but you know that it could be dangerous not to tell Louis? Transgendered people are sometimes murdered because they didn't tell their partner. Now I know Louis isn't like that but he could be really upset."

"Liam I appreciate your concern but I know what I'm doing."

Okay I know I updated way later than I said I would but I've quite busy with school and other things. Next Chapter should hopefully be up sometime this week.. Should I make an update schedule? Idk. Anyway the next chapter will be Larry's first date.

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now