Chapter 14

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Liam's POV

After Niall flat lined we arrived at the hospital and I was pushed out of his room as soon as we entered. They still hadn't managed to resuscitate him and I knew they were running out of time before he went brain dead. So for the meantime I was sat on a cold, hard, wooden chair. My entire body felt numb and I couldn't move, I couldn't lose Niall, I loved him so much. I heard footsteps approaching but I couldn't even force myself to look up.

"Li? What's going on?" It was Louis and I'm guessing he had Harry and Zayn with him as well. Louis got down on the floor so he could look me in the eyes and that's when I lost it again. I lurched forward into Louis' chest sobbing so hard I couldn't breathe.

"N-N-Ni h-h-h-he..." I cut myself off when I choked on my sobs. Louis just held onto to tighter.

"Woah Li calm down love, you're going to make yourself sick. Breathe." I took a deep, shuddery breath.

"N-Niall f-flat lined in the ambulance and they couldn't resuscitate him right away and they said if they c-couldn't do it s-soon they had to call a time of d-death" Just saying those words made it all feel so real and I began crying again. I heard loud sobs next to me and I turned and saw Harry hit the floor, his body racking with sobs. If this was painful for me I can't even imagine what it's like for Harry, they've been friends their whole lives and I was so focused on the fact that I might lose my boyfriend I didn't even think that Harry would be losing his rock. Louis was still holding me but he was looking between Harry and I like he didn't know what to do.

"Comfort Harry, he needs it more than I do. I'll be alright." I whispered in his ear. He nodded and hugged me tightly once more before going over to Harry and picking him up before sitting down in one of the chairs with Harry in his lap, gently stroking his curls as Harry sobbed into his chest.

It seemed like we had been waiting here forever and we were all growing more anxious by the second.

"Niall Horan?" All of us shot up but Harry who was inconsolable a minute ago was the first to speak up.

"Is he alright?" The doctor looked at us sympathetically. He's dead. That's why the doctor won't say anything.

"I think it's best if you come to my office."
We followed her to her office and sat down.

"Ok well my name is Dr. Rachel Gellar and I was in charge of Mr. Horan when he came in. I'm happy to say that he was able to be resuscitated and that there is no brain damage done and he's awake and talking now. However, that doesn't mean he isn't incredibly ill. Are you guys aware that he suffers from Anorexia?" I don't know why I couldn't open my mouth and just speak but I was still overwhelmed with the whole situation.

"Yes we are aware." Zayn said. Harry spoke next.

" Liam and Niall had decided Niall was to be admitted to a treatment facility next week. We figured everything would be ok until then."

" Well I think treatment is a great idea. Where is he going to go?"

"Yorkshire Center in Leeds"

" I'm very friendly with that center. I'll make sure that Niall is assigned the best Dr. there." Dr. Gellar began to type on her computer before turning back around to face us.

"It's all taken care of. Niall is set to be admitted as soon we are sure that he's stable enough so I'm presuming in about two days. His Dr. at the center is named Dr. James Corden, he's the best they have and his patients have a 98% recovery rate. Niall will be his only patient so he'll have 24/7 care available. Do any of you have any questions?" I spoke up.

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now