Chapter 13

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Liam's POV

We had just finished eating and we had all decided to go play out in the snow. I was currently in our room getting dressed.

"Actually um, you go ahead I'm going to stay here." Niall said.

"Are you sure babe? Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah m' just tired. I need a nap."

"Ok, we'll see you in awhile then babe." I quickly pecked his lips and then went to join the rest of the lads who were already outside.

"Harry you wank stain! You got snow in me eye!" Louis yelled.

"That's what you get for pushing me face first in the snow!" I then felt a snow ball hit the back of my neck.

"Zayn!" He stood there smirking at me. I picked up a huge ball of snow and threw it at Zayn hitting him right in the balls.

"FUCK!" Zayn squeaked out before falling to the floor. The rest of us started laughing as we watched him roll around in pain. Eventually Zayn got up and we all began to build a snowman.

"Liam where's Niall?" Harry asked.

"He's inside laying down. He said he was really tired." I was then yanked aside by Harry.

"Liam are you fucking stupid?! Niall has an eating disorder, he said that just so he could stay there alone and get rid of the food he just ate!" He whisper yelled at me.

"I thought he'd be okay once we got him to eat, I didn't even think about the fact that he might throw it up. Shit um I'll go check on him." I ran towards the cabin and once I opened the door I knew Harry was right. I could hear retching sounds coming from the toilet so I rushed over and burst through the door pulling Niall's fingers out of his mouth.

"NIALL STOP!" He fought against me. That's when it hit me just exactly how serious things were, he was willing to do this in front of me.

"LIAM LET GO! I'M OBESE I'M UGLY I NEED TO BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!" He began uncontrollably sobbing as he finally gave up the fight and just let me hold him. I lifted him up and placed him on the counter of the sink, cleaning his hands and mouth with a wet rag. I then put some mouth wash in a cup.

"Here babe" he just shook his head at me.

"There's too many calories in that." My heart dropped and I began to cry. I felt helpless.

"Niall you've always been perfect to me. You never needed to lose weight, you never needed to change. I can't stand to see you like this, you're so sick and I don't know how to help. I feel like I'm failing you. I just want you to be happy and healthy again."

"you're not failing me. I'm failing myself.....Liam..." He broke down again. ".....I want to get professional help."

"I'll look for treatment places. I think we should cut this week short, I want you to be able to get help as soon as possible." He nodded in agreement. I grabbed my laptop and pulled Niall into my lap, opening the laptop. After about an hour of research we decided the best place for him to go was an inpatient treatment center in Leeds called the Yorkshire Center.

"What are we going to tell the rest of the boys?"

"Well Harry is more aware so if you don't want to tell Zayn and Louis I'm sure Harry would."

"Yeah that sounds good. I don't want to ruin their vacation time though Li...can't I just go after this week?"

" well...ok but if I feel like it's becoming too much for you we're leaving. Now get some rest Ni, you look exhausted."

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now