Chapter 12

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This is my first double update :) this is to make up for the lack of Larry in the last chapter. So this is my lame attempt at semi smut. I apologize in advance for it being shitty. I love reading it but when it comes to writing it I get so awkward.

Harry's POV

It was our last day here at Niall's cabin and I decided that even though I couldn't receive any pleasure from Louis that I at least wanted to be able to give him something. He shouldn't have to suffer just because I'm hiding a secret from him. Poor lad, I know he's sexually frustrated, I can hear him trying to suppress his moans  as he was wanking in the toilets. I walked to the door to see if it was unlocked, it was. I slowly opened it, instantly getting turned on at the sight of him. I walked over to him and he finally noticed my presence.

"H-Har.." I didn't let him finish talking. I attached my lips to his then I let my hand travel down and wrap around his length.

"H-Harry..shit.." Then he gently removed my hand. "Don't get me wrong that felt amazing but I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything sexual with me if you're not comfortable with it. I know that the recovery process can take a long took me 7 years." Louis was raped. God i've never felt more disgusting and vile than I do right now. He opened up to me and believes we have something huge like that in common and all I've done is lie to him. I really couldn't tell the truth now so I decided to just forget about how despicable I am for right now and focus on Louis.

"Boo...I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm so glad you're in a better place about it now. Louis, I don't feel obligated to do this ok? I want to. Will you let me?" He just nodded and I attached my lips to his again while pulling him up off the edge of the tub. I led him over to the bed, leaving his pants and boxers on the floor of the toilet. I kissed down his jaw to his neck, sucking a love bite there. I continued to leave love bites as I once again wrapped my hand around his length, pumping slowly. I gradually picked up speed as I flicked my thumb over the slit causing pre cum to leak out. I finished one last love bite before I moved down to allow my mouth to take over what my hand was just doing. Louis moaned loudly as I took all of him in my mouth, occasionally licking the head.

"F-fuck Haz I'm c-close. Oh s-shit." I hollowed my cheeks in, sucking harder as I felt the tip of his length hit the back of my throat. I moaned around his length causing him to let out a strangled cry of my name as he released into my mouth. I swallowed then got off him and retrieved his boxers and pants from the floor, putting them on for him as he was still weak from trying to recover from his orgasm. He pulled me down next to him and kissed me softly.

"That was amazing Haz. Maybe next time I can return the favor?" He whispered huskily right before kissing right below my ear. I could feel myself getting turned on again.

"I-I'm not ready for that Louis. Besides I'm perfectly fine with just making you feel good for now." I'm getting bottom surgery in a few months and if I can just keep up this lie until then he'll never have to know. Louis then nodded and pecked my lips again lightly before pulling me into his chest and shutting off the lights, both of us quickly falling asleep.

Ooh so Louis was raped and now Harry has himself in really deep shit with his lies. Will he be able to keep up his lie until he gets bottom surgery?again...sorry my smut is shit.

I'm Still The Same-A Larry Stylinson and Niam Horayne Fanfic (AU)Where stories live. Discover now