A Confession

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Sorry.. but I know Amanda Seyfried is like 20-something, but try to imagine her as a ninth-grader because she was perfect for the part!!! So I hope you guys enjoy the book!!!


"It's time to go to school, Emilie."My dad, Ron, hurried me.

"Do I have to go, Dad?" I sluggishly asked.

"Yes. Honey, it's 9th grade, you have to go."

"Yeah, but I don't really want to." I rolled my eyes and fixed my iPod headphones into my ears. Now I stopped listening to my dad and listened to some music.

"Well, you're going there whether you like it or not." Ron kept blabbing on and on. "Oh, look, we're here. So, do you need money for lunch? Emilie? Emilie?"

I felt him pull out my headphones. "I said, do you need money for lunch?" Ron nagged.

"Dad, we've been doing this for like... 5 years! Don't you know lunch costs $2.50? Jeez." I replied, then watched him take out $5 from his wallet and I yanked the bill from his hands.

"Have a good day at school, Emmie." Dad said.

"Thanks." I whispered under my breath. Then, my foot was about to leave the car and he spoke again.

"What?" Dad asked. Old people have such terrible hearing.

"All I said was thanks. And, thanks for the money, too. See ya." I got out of the car, finally, grabbed my tan-colored side bag, and walked towards the school. Shay Polish High School, an old, run-down, crackled pile of bricks and concrete they call a building. Just charming.


"Emilie! How are you? I haven't seen you in like... 2 months! Why didn't you call me? Or text me? Or sleep over my house? Emilie, where have you been?" Mackenzie came running to me and I just gave her a hug. Then she looked at my outfit. "Where have you been?"

"Hey, Kenzie." I said.

"What happened to you? You're all different." Mackenzie studied my outfit -jeans, laced tan boots, and my favorite band T-shirt and a blazer- and looked happy.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Yes! I love how cute it is and the neutral colors really compliment your light blue-green eyes and your blond hair! I love it!" Mackenzie exclaimed.

Mackenzie and I have been besties since kinder. She is so high energy and youthful, unlike me. Plus she gives me lots of input on my clothes and hair. And she's also really sweet too.

"So, what happened during summer? Any boys? Any big events? Tell me everything!" Mackenzie squealed, her big brown eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Hold on a sec, let me get my locker number." I calmly said, going to the office.


"You've kept me waiting all day! Tell me everything!" Mackenzie scooted herself next to me as we sat down to eat lunch.

"Ok, ok, fine. Let me just think..." I said. Not much had happened over the summer... except about Derek.

"What's that sad look on your face?" Mackenzie asked, tilting her head in a confused fashion, "Emilie Noelle Taylor. I know something happened during the summer with your facial expression."

"I just... I don't really like to talk about it."I started tearing up. I was going to c-c-c-c-cry. I have to hold it in.

"Emilie, tell me what happened." Mackenzie forced me.

"No!" I replied.

"Emilie, c'mon!" Mackenzie reassured me, then she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" I wiped Mackenzie's arm off of me and ran towards the bathroom. Mackenzie followed me in. I slipped into a stall and locked it.

"Emilie, you know you can tell me anything." Mackenzie whispered in front of the stall I jumped inside of. "Ellie, please."

It felt like mascara was running down my eyes. "You...you wouldn't understand. Everybody says they do, but they don't. They really don't. Do you know what its like to be lied and cheated on, and... and hit when you tried to stand for yourself?"

Mackenzie looked around. "I can't really admit that I do... but what I can say is that I'm here for you. Cause your my bestie, Ellie."

"Thanks, Mac." I unlocked the door and walked out. "Sorry about my tantrum."

"It's ok." Mackenzie smiled.

I sat in the corner of the bathroom. "It all started the day after school came out. I was walking home when Derek Michel, started to talk to me. I don't know that we lived in the same neighborhood. We got close and he asked me out and I told him, 'Sure', and then we dated for a few weeks and one day I called him and he never answered. I kept calling and he never answered for 4 days. I didn't see him either. Then I walked to his house and knocked. He answered and he let me in. I scanned the house and heard something in the bathroom. I opened the door -she forgot to lock it-, and she's like 'Who are you?' and I told her I was his girlfriend."

"So he cheated on you, right?" Mackenzie asked. I nodded.

I continued. "She said, 'But I'm his girlfriend.' I turned to Derek. He was all sweaty and nervous. 'This is sick!' The girl, ended up her name was Hattie, yelled, took her stuff, and left. I looked at Derek, with my arms crossed. He just nervously scratched his head. 'Stop fidgeting! There's nothing left to say here.' I told him. Derek suddenly realized what was happening. 'Please don't leave! I'm nothing without you.' Derek pleaded. I told him straight out NO. 'You would've been something without me but with her. You are sick and insensitive. And now you're gonna be alone.' I headed to the door but he cut me off before I could it. 'We aren't done yet.' Derek said, pushing me to the ground. I got back to my feet. 'You monster!'' I screeched and then I slapped him. He was about to punch me when I grabbed his wrist and he backed down."

"Oh my gosh." Mackenzie gasped.

"Then I left, slamming the door of course, and I never saw him again. Good thing he moved." I was proud, then I began to cry again. "He made me feel so loved and special... and it was all a fake!"

Mackenzie hugged me. "Aww, now I messed up your shirt." I noticed.

"Oh, I don't care. Let's go back." Mackenzie comforted.

"OK." I sniffled.

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