A Dinner

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A few days later....

It was so weird a few days ago at Caleb's house. He just...he just let me go.

Just like that.

I curled my one strand of hair that was not included in my ridiculously fancy updo.

He didn't let me go though...he just allowed me to move on, I suppose.

I'd probably see him next school year though.

"Honey, dinner will be in one hour! We have special guests coming." Mom called from downstairs.

Mom had said this dinner was formal so I had to even wear a dress. Mackenzie was coming too. I wonder what she was gonna wear.

I had chosen a black dress with some silver on it. Mackenzie actually bought me some silver shoes. They were very sparkly and very high. Literally, the entire shoe was just sparkle.

I decided I will wear them because I didn't want to let Mackenzie down.

I fixed in my onyx eaarings into my ears and inserted a pretty barrette into my hair.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Hi, Kenzie." I waved.

Mackenzie was wearing a coral-colored dress with sparkles on the top and white strappy heels. She also had her hair in a French Braid.

"Emilie! You look so pretty! Where are your shoes?" she asked.

"They're by my bed. I was just doing my hair." I said.

I slipped on the shimmering pumps and my view appeared 5 inches taller.

"Now, you need makeup." Mackenzie smiled.

I went to my mirror, and applied eye shadow, blush, eyeliner, and very red lipstick.


"Okay, girls, dinner starts in 10 minutes so come down." Dad announced from downstairs.

Mackenzie and I loudly went down the stairs. "Girls, you look beautiful!" Mom smiled.

"Thanks." I looked down, "What are we eating?"

"I was watching the Food Network and Rachel Ray was on. I saw this delicious spinach and mushroom stuffed chicken breasts, so that what we're eating!" Mom excitedly said.

"Emilie, I'm going to set the table. Why don't you help me?" Mackenzie asked.

I nodded. "Let me get the centerpiece." I went to the living room and got the bouquet of hydrangeas, orchids, and daisies.

I placed it smack in the middle of the dining room table.

The plates were set up, and Mackenzie had folded each of the napkins into stars.

I'm not sure how.


"So who are our guests anyway, Mom?" I asked while I began to wash my hands before the meal.

"Her name is Linda." Mom told me, "She went to high school with me and while I was at the supermarket I bumped into her. We started talking and then a few days ago I asked if she wanted to have dinner with us."

"Is she coming alone?" I wondered.

Mom's phone rang.

"It's her!" Mom said, "Hello, Linda. How are you? Oh, that's great! Oh, you're on your way? Goodie! Yes, you did tell me you were bringing a few more guests. Oh, you're children? Yes, yes, that's fine. See you in a few minutes! Yes, oh, no, no! Yes, yes, of course, of course. See you soon!"

"She's bringing more guests. Be polite, offer them some drinks, and most of all, don't make a fool out of yourselves. Thank you! Oh, and also, make sure to greet them at the door. I'll be busy cooking!" Mom giggled. She gets excited when it comes to formal gatherings.

Mackenzie nudged me. "Ok, let me check you. Open your mouth," I opened it.

"Good. Your teeth are clean."

"Close your eyes."

I closed them.

"Good, your makeup isn't smudged."


I twirled.

"Good, you look decent."


"Just kidding." We both giggled.

The door bell rang.

"I'll open the door." I said. She nodded.

"They're here!" Mom called.

I opened the door expecting new faces.

"Hello, welcome to our home-" I stopped.

"Emilie?" our guest said.

"Hi, nice to see you again." Mackenzie forcefully smiled.

"Yes, of course!" our guest replied.

Mom came out of the kitchen.

"Wendy! What a pleasure it is to see you again!" Mom squealed as she hugged our guest.

"Of course, Angie!" our guest answered.

"So who are these two sweeties?" My mom asked.

"Oh, my kids? This beautiful 20-year-old girl is my daughter, Kelsey." our guest introduced.

"Nice to meet you," Mom shook hands with Kelsey, who had a worried expression on her face, "And who is this?"

"This handsome man here," our guest happily said as Mom shook hands with him, "is my son, Caleb."

Mom's happy expression turned to tragedy. She turned her head to face me. The look of worry in her eyes just made me 100% sure she understood who she really invited for dinner.


"So, you've met Emilie and Mackenzie before, Wendy?" Mom asked as we sat on the dinner table eating.

Mom gave Caleb a dirty look.

"Yes. They came over the other day." Ms. Masen, you guessed it, our guest responded, "So I suppose you three friends, right?" She looked at Mackenzie and I.

"Yes, Ms. Masen. I also met Kelsey for the first time when we visited." I forced a smile.

Kelsey was texting. I had caught off guard. I didn't really know what to say.

I heard Ms. Masen say something to Kelsey.

"Yeah, it was really nice to meet Caleb's friends." Kelsey eyed me.

"So, how's the food?" Dad asked.

"Very good, very good." Caleb nodded.

For some reason I was still kind of mad at Caleb. What happened over at Caleb's house didn't really solve anything.

He let me go, and here we are now.

"Right. Mom, it took you alot of hard work to make the food, right?" I asked her, eyeing Caleb.

"Yes, I suppose so." Mom shrugged.

"And you wouldn't ever give up on making the food, right?" I said.

"Um, no. Because I'd want to satisfy my guests." Mom answered.

"What if you just gave up and left everybody hungry?" I curiously questioned her.

"Then that wouldn't be very nice." Mom said.

"Yes, because it would be rude to just let everybody starve." I looked at Caleb.

"Excuse me." Caleb stood up, "Where is your bathroom?"

"First door on the left." Mom had a confused look on her face.

"Thank you." Caleb left.

"Um, what happened?" Ms. Masen asked.

"Is he okay?" Dad asked.

Everybody else knew exactly what was going on.

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