A Friendship

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"Emilie, what are you doing?" Mackenzie whispered to me after Caleb left.

"I was just trying to prove a point." I said back.

"You both are so immature! You just want him to lose at something, don't you!" Mackenzie whispered.

"Yes, but I'm doing it maturely." I crossed my arms.

"Stop being such a brat!" Mackenzie loudly whispered, "Oh, hey everyone. Emile and I need to go check on the dog. He's in the porch."

Mackenzie dragged me outside to the back yard.

"You are so immature, and childish! Your making this love situation a competition!" Mackenzie said.

"No, I am not." I protested.

"What do you even want these days? You have a family, an awesome best friend, and a boyfriend-to-be. Just forgive him, then enjoy his company as long as you can. Stop making life complicated." Mackenzie said.

"You are so right." I sat on the porch. Chippy, my Maltese, ran to me and jumped on my lap.

I petted him. "I know." She giggled and flipped her hair.

"No, no, I mean it." I told her, "Have I been this bratty all this time?"

"Oh no, no, no! You're never really bratty. I mean, sometimes you're stubborn, or don't want to do what your told," Mackenzie said, "But anyway, I don't want you to get all worked up on how you're acting."

"And also you're right about what I really need." I was quiet for a moment, "And what I really want, too."

"Yeah! Now let's go back to dinner and be superstars!" Mackenzie and I giggled.


We sneaked back in our seats. "Chippy's okay." Mackenzie said to everyone.

Caleb was already back. He was looking at what we were wearing, and I guess he saw me notice and he stopped.

I sat down. "Please excuse me for my unusual behavior," I lightly laughed, "Let's enjoy our meals."

I looked at Caleb and sighed. I was acting like a real spoiled brat. That's a nice way to put it.


Once everybody was done with their food, Mom suggested we play a game.

"How about Charades?" suggested Mackenzie. Everybody agreed.


"Okay, Kelsey. You go first." Ms. Masen said as we were all seated in the living room.

"Fine." Kelsey got up. She made the movie symbol.

"Movie!" Everyone yelled.

She lifted 2 fingers.

"Two words!" Everyone screamed.

She lifted a finger.

"First word!" cried everyone.

Kelsey fiddled around with her hair.

"Hair?" Mom guessed.

"Ponytail?" I said.

She pointed to her hair and rubbed her arms and legs.

"Shave?" Dad suggested.

"Facial hair?" Caleb guessed.

"Hairy! Hairy!" Mackenzie wildly stood up and screamed.

Kelsey pointed to Mackenzie.

She lifted 2 fingers again.

"Second word!" everyone said in unison.

Kelsey moved her hands in the shape of some sort of bowl.

"Bowl?" I suggested.

"Cup?" Caleb guessed.

"Container?" Mom said.

"Pot?" Mackenzie screamed.

Kelsey pointed to Mackenzie and made a go-on gesture with her hands.

"Pot...Potter! Harry Potter! Harry Potter!" Mackenzie squealed.

Kelsey and Mackenzie gave high-fives.

Dad said, "Well, technically you have to choose one of the movies-"

"Forget it!" Mackenzie interrupted.

"Fine, fine." Dad said.


"Well, I think we've ought to be leaving now." Ms. Masen said.

"Oh, well thank you for coming!" Mom said.

"The food was very good." Ms. Masen smiled.

"Yeah, I saw it on Food Network and it just looked so good!" Mom exclaimed.

"I know! I just love the Food Network, like this one time..." Ms. Masen and Mom kept talking.

I felt really bad for what I did at dinner today.

I went to Caleb.

"Emilie?" Caleb said.

"Could I talk to you in the porch for just one sec, Cay?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm about to leave." Caleb said.

"Cay. Seriously? My mother talks for hours. You won't be leaving for a while." I chuckled. I saw Caleb smile a little.

"So, please?" I said.


Cay and I walked to the porch.

I sat on the bench.

"Um, I'm really sorry for acting so bratty earlier." I muttered.

"It's fine." Caleb replied.

"No, no for real. I just made this whole thing into this childish competition." I murmured.

"No, you didn't, Emmie." Caleb reassured me.

"Yeah, I did. So I'm sorry for that." I smiled at him, "I... I guess some anger stayed in me."

"It's fine, Emmie." Caleb half-smiled, "And about the whole girlfriend thing..."

"I don't care anymore. Just... if you are going to break up with her, do it nicely. Or don't break up with her, not my decision." I told him.

"Sorry if I upset you with that." He apologized.

"It's okay. And what about the whole gang thing?" I looked up at him,

"I was... I was just a real screw-up when you were gone." Caleb and I chuckled.

"I get it." I smiled, "I just... I don't want there to be anymore controversy between us."

"Same with me." Caleb smiled.

"So, can we be friends?" I asked.

I wasn't lying.

"Sure." Caleb said.

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