A Talk

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I didn't eat my lunch. All I did was have stuff my face in my crossed arms and lightly cry. Mackenzie asked the usual, "Are you okay?" But she stayed alongside me.

I remembered my detention. I grabbed my phone and quietly -without anyone noticing- texted my dad.

Have a detntion 2rrow and nxt wk. I was tlking in class. Sorry. ): - emmie

Soon my dad replied:

That's too bad, today you're mother is coming back for a few days from her job. She's dying to see you.

I hadn't seen my mother in almost a year! I called her occasionally but she really never picks up.

Mom is coming?! Yaay! I'll be sure 2 cme hme xtra early!

My dad texted back.

She won't be coming until 1 or 2 am but if you'd like I'll wake you up when she's here.

Yes, plz! Oops, not supposed 2 have my phone out ill ttyl, k, dad? lov ya

bye, sweetie.

I locked my phone and stuffed it in my pocket.

"What happened?" Mackenzie asked.

"My mom's coming home... I miss her so much." I murmured.

"Great! She's been gone for like, what, all of your childhood?" Mackenzie joked.

"No, for about a year." I sighed, "But I have so much to tell her."

"Yeah, about how you had the world's shortest relationship?" Mackenzie started laughing. I started to tear up.

"Kenzie!" I cried, "I haven't even told my dad about Cay yet."

"Man, you're having a really tough high school year." Mackenzie noted, "I hope it all ends okay."

"Thanks, Kenzie." I hugged her. "I still do have the October Bash!"

"If you and Caleb make up." Mackenzie pointed out.

I dropped my head onto my arms again. "Like that'll happen..."

I scanned the lunchroom for Caleb. I saw him. He looked sad.


"Sweetie, you're home!" My dad greeted me as I arrived home.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go sleep and put my alarm to one-thirty in the morning. Good night." I trudged upstairs, did some quick homework, took a shower and knocked out for the night.


Beep-beep-beep, went the alarm. I yawned. It read 1:31 AM on the clock. Perfect. I sleepily went down the stairs in my pajamas. "Is she here yet?" I asked my dad who was watching TV.

"She called me and told me she'd be here in about half an hour." my dad replied. I sat on the couch and watched TV with my dad.

Later, I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it," I softly said as I lifted myself up to get the door.

I saw a tall, blonde figure with the same blue-green eyes as me. "Mom!" I hugged her as she took her luggage into the house.

"Emilie, it's been so long!" Mom cried, "How are you?"

"Mom, I have so much to tell you." I murmured, "So much."

"Really, honey?" she told me, and saw Dad, "Ron. I missed you!"

"Angie!" Dad called.

Her and my dad hugged and kissed. I got some toast from the kitchen and went back to my parents.

"So, honey, what are all the stories you want to tell me?" Mom asked as we sat down face-to-face on the couch.

"You want some privacy?" Dad asked, I nodded. He went upstairs.

"Mom... how did you meet my dad?" I asked her. Mom smiled her fresh, 40-year-old-but-looks-30-years-old smile.

My mom told me the charming story of how my mom met my dad.

"Wow. That's so cute." I giggled.

"Yes, it was rather adorable." she agreed, "Why do you ask, sweetie?" She stroked my hair.

"It's about school..." I muttered.

"What? Any boys? Tell me everything! Any dates? Parties?" my mom suggested. Oh, Mom.

"Yes. No dates or parties, though." I told her, "I like him, and he likes me too."

"Well, that's fantastic!" my mom said.

"There's more. I just had a boyfriend in the summer and he ended up cheating on me and when I tried to leave him he hit me and almost punched me." I shuddered, "And now this boy, Caleb, he's amazing. He gives me butterflies, and makes me nervous. And he has the bluest eyes... I really love him."

"He sounds wonderful." My mom noted.

I answered, "He is. Anyway, yesterday ago a whole bunch of people went to the beach including Caleb and I. We were stargazing together and he held my hand and, it was magical! But today we were passing notes and he said, 'I guess we're together' and that freaked me out because of what happened with Derek. I cried, too. Then he got a detention, and I got a second one! Then when we were on our way to lunch, and Caleb apologized for making me cry. I told him it wasn't his fault, and that it was about my previous relationship but Caleb assumed that I thought he'd do that to me."

"Why would he think that?" my mom asked.

"I think it was the way I said it. As I was saying, he told me he'd never hurt me and that if we were together and I felt threatened he would never put me through that." I continued, "Then I told him that's not what I meant, but he left me in the hallway."

"Honey," my mom called.

"Yes?" I answered her softly. She stroked my hair again.

"He didn't do this because he is angry with you. He did this because he wouldn't want you to feel scared of him. He did this out of love, Emilie." My mom stated. I realized what she had said was true. Caleb doesn't hate me.

"So, he still likes me?" I asked her. She smiled warmly.

"Of course, sweetie. Caleb loves you so he'd never want to put you through anything like that." said Mom.

"Thank you, Mom. For all this." I hugged her.

"Anytime sweetie." My mom sweetly said.

"You know, I'm going to call Caleb." I got my phone out. Caleb had given me his number one day we were in school.

I called Caleb and waited a few seconds. "C'mon, Cay, please pick up."

"Hey, this is Caleb. Please leave a message. Bye." the phone said.

"Did he pick up?" my mom asked. I shook my head. "Try again." she suggested.

I dialed again.

"Hey, this is Caleb. Please leave a me-" I hung up. I tried many more times.

Hey, this is Caleb. Please leave a message. Hey, this is Caleb. Please leave a message. Hey, this is Caleb. Please leave a message. Hey, this is Caleb. Please leave a message. Hey, this is Caleb. Please leave a message.

He never picked up.

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