An Encounter

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Mackenzie and I can't not be friends anymore. It just can't be true. I decided to go look for her.

I went to check her house. I knocked on the door and her mom answered. "Hi, Emilie. How are you?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great, but where's Mackenzie?" I asked hurriedly.

She replied, "Um, she just left, but she went very quickly so I'm not really sure where she went-"

"Thank you Mrs. Miller." I zoomed back onto the sidewalk and went to see if she was at the school.

"Emilie! What are you doing here?" Mr. Gibbons greeted me as I entered the restaurant.

"Hello, Mr. Gibbons. By any chance did Mackenzie pass by here?"

"Sorry, but no." He said and I quickly left.

I went to her favorites stores, the grocery store, and I tried calling her but she wouldn't pick up.

I kneeled on the floor. "Where are you, Mackenzie?" I yelled.


I heard my phone. I saw a text message. From Mackenzie!

Meet me @ Roley's ASAP.

I hadn't checked there.

I sprinted to Roley's and saw her sitting at a booth.

I sat on the booth. "I'm so sorry, Mackenzie. Please forgive me! I don't wanna lose you, I mean-"

She held my mouth closed with her fingers.

"It's fine. But check this out." She took out her phone, "It's a picture of your one-true-love. Yeah, I think he's found his own."

"Wait, but, that's impossible!" I couldn't believe my eyes. I stared at the clear picture of him holding hands with some brown-haired girl.

"He is mine." I roared.

"Easy there, tiger." she laughed, "You can't just go for him."

"You're right, I can't. You'll have to go with me!" I suggested.

Mackenzie shook her head.

"You can't just go back for him, he's obviously happy." Mackenzie noted. I hadn't thought about it like that.

"And you're sure that was him and that he's dating her?" I asked.

"If you think 'I love you so much, Caleb, we will never be apart,' isn't dating, then you and I are both doomed." Mackenzie said.

"But Caleb wouldn't recover so quickly. I thought he loved me like Mom said." I said, "And I trust Mom's advice."

"So do I, but look at the picture." she waved the phone in my face, "Look at the picture."

"OK, I get it. But I really need to clear this up. I need to know he really doesn't like me and that he's with some other girl!" I murmured, "I need to be sure!"

"How do you know he won't hurt you? Or strap you down?" Mackenzie asked.

"He wouldn't do that! If he is still the Caleb I know." I answered, and headed for the exit, "Mackenzie, you're not coming? I need you for this."

"It's for love, of course I'll come!" Mackenzie said, "And you could use me to cry on later."

Mackenzie laughed.


We were walking slowly. "Do you even know how to get to him?"

"I followed them till they got to his neighborhood, and I remember the color of his house." Mackenzie said.

"You followed them until they got to their house?" I exclaimed.

"What? I'm not a stalker." Mackenzie smirked, "I'm doing this for you, remember that. And the house is blue with two floors. I also remember a black Mercedes."

"Wow, fancy," I chuckled.

"Yes, very," She laughed, "Oh, and know that if we don't find his house your entire plan will blow, okay?" Mackenzie warned.

"Yes. But I think I found the house." I said, pointing to a blue house and a black Mercedes parked.

"Heh." Mackenzie chuckled.

"That what I thought." I said.

Mackenzie and I both put our hoods up.

Bark, bark!

"What was that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure."

Bark, bark!

"Is that...a dog? Mackenzie said.

"I think so." I muttered. The dog was a German Shepherd. Luckily it was chained to a tree.

"Man, that is one big dog." I meekly said.

Bark, bark!

"Good thing it's chained to a tree!" Mackenzie reassuringly said.

The dog barked once more and the chain broke.


The dog barked and I saw it's collar.

"His name is..." I peeked onto the collar, "Paws."

"Paws, sit!" Mackenzie commanded, but the dog didn't do anything.

"Paws, lie down." I tried. The dog remained growling.

Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark!

"Aaaah!" I wailed. Mackenzie started climbing on the car.

"Mackenzie! That's a Mercedes!" I told her.

"Do you wanna live or die?" Mackenzie asked.

"I wanna live, but I don't want to break an expensive-"

Bark, bark, bark, bark!

"I wanna live!" I said as I jumped on the car.

I heard a door swing open. "Paws, stop it right now!"

The dog growled. "Paws, stop! Go inside!"

Paws trotted inside the house.

"Are you two okay?" I instantly recognized Caleb's voice. I don't think he recognized ours, though.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." Mackenzie said as her and I climbed down. When we got to the floor we stayed with our heads facing the ground.

"And you?" Caleb asked.

"Just fabulous." I muttered. I looked at the floor.

"Do you want to come inside for something to drink?" he offered.

Mackenzie looked at me, and I looked at her.

She nodded. We let down our hoods.

Then Caleb looked surprised.

It was quiet for a minute.

"Mackenzie?" he said.

"Hey," she subtly waved.


"Yep," I inhaled and exhaled deeply, "It's me."

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