A Wave

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"What are you girls doing here?" Caleb asked, as us

"What do you think? Mackenzie saw you with some other girl. What is with that? Gonna break her heart, too?" I roared.

"What are you talking about?" He yelled.

"I saw you. Holding hands with that chick." I screeched.

"When? Were you following me?" Caleb said.

"No, she wasn't," Mackenzie suddenly spoke up, "But I was walking about and saw you with a girl!"

Caleb fidgeted his fingers. "See!" Mackenzie proudly cried.

I remembered what happened that summer.

Stop fidgeting! There's nothing left to say here.

Please don't leave! I'm nothing without you.

You would've been something without me but with her.

"It was hard..." Caleb muttered.

"What was hard?" I asked.

"Leaving you." he answered.

"Why'd you do it then?" I backed away from him.

"Because I realized you thought I was some sort of threat to you. So I wouldn't want to put you through all that." Caleb said.

"Then, what, you just magically recovered?" Mackenzie asked.

"No, I just...I missed you." Caleb murmured.

"So you're just using her not to feel lonely?" I cried.

"Well, I guess..." Caleb said.

"Poor girl! She must be thinking she's loved and special to you!" I screamed, "You're such a jerk!"

"Oh, I'm the jerk? What about you? You're the one who thought lies about me, when I didn't do anything to you!" Caleb roared.

"What lies? That you were gonna hit me? I just thought that because I was being careful, Caleb!" I screeched, "What, you think I didn't love you? Because I do, and I was confessing to you!"

"So do I, but you made me feel like a criminal! Like a threat to you." Caleb muttered.

"You weren't a threat to me. You wanna see someone that's a threat?" I yelled as I slid up my sleeves and showed him bruises. "Do you really believe I ever thought you'd do something like this to me?"

"Wha-what is that?" Caleb asked.

"Abusive boyfriend. Which I was trying to tell you about until you dumped me!" I screamed.

"Since when were we toge-"

"The note, Masen." I took out the note from my pocket. I always had kept it with me.

He read it and looked shocked.

I ripped it from his hands.

"Don't you remember any of this? You were the one that said we were dating! I didn't deny it! I was just remembering my old relationship that I had just recently gotten over!" I said, "But I guess you want to be left with your new girlfriend. So I won't bother you anymore."

"Wait!" Caleb exclaimed.

"I've done enough waiting!" I told him, then I started to tear up, "And I called you! Like...30 times! And you never picked up!"

"But, I want you back." Caleb said.

"So did I, but you didn't take me." I murmured, "Why should I take you?"

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