An Awkward Lunch

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"Goodbye! Have a good winter break!"

"I'll miss you!"

"See you in two weeks!"


"Happy New Year!"

I heard all these cheers and saw people hugging and crying. I wanted to say bye to Mackenzie. I hadn't seen her all day.

"Mackenzie, hey." I quietly greeted.

"Hey, Emilie." Mackenzie waved, "Do you like my outfit?" She was wearing a beanie, an adorable parka, jeans, several sweaters, and furry boots.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Thanks," Mackenzie said, "So, do you want to go get some hot chocolate?"

"Um, yeah." I replied, "Roley's?" Mackenzie and I loved Roley's Diner. We've been going there forever. Plus, it's right by school.

"Uh-huh!" Mackenzie nodded.


On our way there Mackenzie asked me, "Have you gotten paler?"

I looked at my arm, I was paler. "I...I guess so." I shrugged.

I stared around the scenery. Pine trees sprinkled with snow on one side, and the road and all the stores on the other. Nobody drives in my little town. We always walk.

I inhaled the cinnamon air. "The air smells nice." I noted. Mackenzie smelled.

"Yeah, it does! That always happens around here. Every winter the air is a new smell. Like last year all of Wedderstown smelled like mint." she told me, "My brother literally collected a jar of air. Then he'd open the lid whenever he wanted to smell minty."

"That's funny." I slightly smirked, "Oh, look, we're here."


"Hi, I'm Barbie, I'm gonna be you're server for today. How may I help you gals?" our server, Barbie, asked.

"Two hot chocolates, and... what do you want, Emilie?" Mackenzie said.

I looked at the menu. "I'm good with just that, thanks."

"Coming right up, and hey, what's your name? I think I've seen one of you here." Barbie recalled.

"I'm Mackenzie, and she's Emilie." Mackenzie introduced. Barbie opened her mouth wide.

"You're Mackenzie and Emilie? I gotta go tell Roley!" Barbie squealed, "And I'll be right with your order, sweeties." She ran to the kitchen.

I heard from the kitchen, "They're here, they're here! Can you believe it?"

Barbie and an old man with glasses came quickly to our booth. "Roley?" Mackenzie called, "It's been so long!"

I had no idea what was going on. "Emilie, remember that day where we went here for my 10th birthday? And someone pushed my head into the cake? The owner was that person! This is that guy!"

"That was funny." I recalled. Mackenzie was pissed that day.

"Those we're good times! Your dad put me up to it, Mackenzie!" Roley heartily laughed.

"Oh, my dad." Mackenzie forced a smile. "He will pay for this." I heard her say under her breath.

"It's been, what, like, 5 years?" Barbie exclaimed. I nodded.

I heard the door of the diner open. A whole group of boys came in. I recognized our school jersey.

"Kenzie, over there." I nudged Mackenzie with my elbow.

"Oh, cool, they must be coming from our school." Mackenzie looked around then had a worried look on her face. I checked to see what happened.

"Emilie!" Mackenzie screamed. I suddenly jerked my head to face Mackenzie.


"Oops, I thought there was a spider on your shoulder. Turns out I was wrong." Mackenzie choked.

"Er, okay."

"Well, I better be off to the kitchen. Nice seeing you two again." Roley said as he left.

"Let's go, I have homework." Mackenzie urged.

"But it's winter break. We don't have homework." I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I..." Mackenzie thought for a second, "Let's just go."

"I thought you wanted hot chocolate." She was confusing me now.

"Ugh! Fine. Whatever." Mackenzie said. Barbie arrived with our hot chocolates.

"It's on the house, sweeties." Barbie smiled sincerely.

I stared at the boiling chocolate. Mmm. It was freezing out.

I instantly took a sip of the hot chocolate. My body warmed.

"Ok, boys, you can take a seat right here." I heard Barbie say, I turned around to look at who was here.

"Emmie," Mackenzie called.

"Um, yes?" I answered.

"Pass me a fork, please." Mackenzie commanded. She was drinking hot chocolate. Okay, then.

I grabbed a fork and gave it to her. "What for?" I asked.

"I don't like marshmallows." Mackenzie said. I looked at my hot chocolate.

"She didn't put any marsh-"

"I asked for them. Don't you remember, silly?" Mackenzie forcefully laughed.

"Um, yeah..." Something was up.

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