An Argument With Myself

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"Mackenzie, it's been two days and you haven't told me anything!" I roared at her while she was sleeping over.

"I'm, I'm... it's nothing, Emilie. Don't worry about it, so let's get some rest." Mackenzie changed the subject. I really was confused about what happened that afternoon at Roley's.

"Kenzie, if I can tell you anything you can tell me anything." I noted. She started snoring loudly.

"I know you're faking it, Mackenzie!" I said over her false snoring. She pretended to move around like she was asleep.

"Stop acting like that, I know you're awake!" I rolled my eyes, "You know what, whatever. Good night."


I grumbled to myself once more as I fell asleep.


"Dad, how do you get someone to tell you something they don't want to tell you?" I asked my dad as I woke up earlier then Mackenzie and went straight down for breakfast.

"Why?" my dad answered. I cut a piece of my chocolate chip pancake.

"Mackenzie won't tell me about something she saw at Roley's a couple days ago." I explained, "I asked what happened while we were there and she always came up with something weird."

"Ah, a woman? I can't help with that." my dad chuckled. Mom came in.

"Help woman with what, honey?" My mom asked, smirking.

"Uh, er, Ma-Ma-Mackenzie here, er, Emi-Emilie, tell her what happened," my dad choked, starting to sweat.

"I'm just kidding, darling. But what happened, Emilie?" my mom went to sit next to me.

"We were at Roley's the other day, and some boys came in and Mackenzie noticed something. I checked to see what she was looking at but then she always distracted me from looking over there. Something's up." I told her.

Mom thought for a minute. "It must be something she doesn't want you to see, like, a surprise birthday party for you!"

"But Mackenzie and I were going to the concert for my birthday." I noted.

Mom sighed. Then she stroked my hair. "It must be nothing then. Don't get too worked up over this, honey. You've been through alot." She stood up and walked away.

Mackenzie came down the stairs. "G'morning, Mackenzie." my dad greeted her.

"Good morning, Mr. Taylor." Mackenzie said as she sat down next to me, "So, what's today's grub?"

"Today's grubis trustworthy eggs and dependable pancakes!" I screamed stood on my chair.

"Here's your food, Macke- Emilie what are you doing?" Dad asked.

"Now, now, Emilie, settle down." Mom calmed. I sat back down.

"Sorry," I apologized. Mackenzie took her food and silently went up the stairs.

"Mackenzie, wait!" I ran up the stairs.


"Dependable pancakes?" Mackenzie recalled, "Really?"

"I'm, I'm sorry. Why can't you just tell me?" I told her.

"Because I want you to be happy!" Mackenzie screeched, "I don't want you to be a depressed teenager who has no friends, stares out of the window all day, and doesn't eat food!"

What was she talking about? I was that once, but now I've decided to be happy-go-lucky. "But why would I-"

"I saw him!" Mackenzie sat on her bed and buried her face in her hands, "I saw him, okay? I didn't want you to ever have to see him again!"

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